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Author's Note-- I apologize for not updating yesterday, but I've been fighting a bitter cold and my eyes have been watering a lot, so I decided to stay away from electronics for an entire day. Plus, my sleeping schedule has been a little off because of the cold, so I went to sleep before I could upload. Anywho, because of my inactive day, I'll be uploading two chapters today—each consisting of 1,000 or so words. Also, start the song after this Author's Note. Enjoy!

English Lyrics

       Spanish Lyrics

       The man next to me flipped his curly hair as we walked down the crowded streets, most of the people heading into el antro. Warm-ish wind flowed around us—muffled music from inside the club reaching our ears.

Lights that found their way outside mirrored on minuscule shards of glass on the floor, reflecting onto the nearby walls—which were yellow and brown from the years of usage. My 'date' stepped closer to me; I stepped away. He merely shrugged, probably wondering why I would throw away my shot at being in a near proximity to him.

The flashes of bright colors shined on us when we walked into el antro. Men 'discreetly' lined up behind me, watching my backside as I purposely swayed my hips while I stepped towards the dance floor. Luckily for me, every man seemed to leave their dates behind and follow my movements. If this is what it takes to get through my plan, I'll do it. Even if it makes me look like a skank.

The song blasted a bit louder when I neared my date, placing his wandering hands on my hips while I trailed my hands up his arms and around his neck. Men that surrounded us watched me hungrily—yet their looks towards my 'date' were filled with jealousy. I gradually danced towards the bar, my partner's hands still clutching my hips with possessive intentions. The other men followed us suit. Exactly what I had planned. Sort of.

Yo te miro y se me corta la respiracion      [One look towards you and my breathing halts]

A certain man's drunk eyes caught mine. I smirked.

Quando tu me miras se me subé el corazón    [When you look at me my heart goes higher up]

The man's breath hitched when he saw that I had my focus on him.

Y en un silencio tu mirada dice mil palabras       [With mere silence your look says a million words]

La noche en la qué te suplico qué no salga el sol.     [The night I beg you for the sun to stay hidden]

He slowly moved his eyes towards the hands that held onto my waist—the glass in his clutch smacked onto the counter.

Bailando      [Dancing]

The man stomped towards me and my date; I moved away from him, my partner still pressed against me. A pair of darkened eyes flashed with anger and drunken jealousy. He pushed past the men that followed me.

Subiendo y bajando      [Rising and lowering]

My date spun me around a couple times before dipping me.

Bailando       [Dancing]

My h/c locks hit the stone floor—my chest heaved up and down as the man before me caressed my sides. He pulled me back up to him, our lips mere centimeters apart. His hands trailed vertically up my thighs, his fingers pressing against my hipbones.

De Todas Las Cosas Buenas: Usnavi X Mexican-American!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now