3 ; party

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sweaty bodies, loud music and crowded.

to say the party was crazy- it was more than that, it was riotous.

people crowded dan, and he held onto his younger brothers hand desperately trying to find an empty room to stay in with tyler.

the music was to loud to hear anything, dan couldn't ask tyler if he was alright or needed some air so dan was desperately trying to find an empty room.

they finally made their way into the basement where only wasted people sat, or the vapors.

dan brought tyler to one of the corners and looked down at him.

"are you okay? is this too much?" dan asked concerned, seeing no emotion in tyler's eyes.

"y-yeah its just a little crowded." tyler said flushing a bit at the fact of seeing someone blow smoke from there vape pen towards them.

"just let me know if you don't want to be here and i will immediately leave with you." dan said softly.

tyler smiled at his brother and hugged him.

they both made there way back upstairs and were instantly crowded again.


dan was standing in the corner minding his own business wondering where phil had gone- dan had left tyler in the kitchen where he played on his phone while drinking some punch caspar had put out for the party.

dan began to walk around to look for phil, he found him sitting in a corner talking to some chick who didn't look interested.

as on queue she walked away and phil rolled his eyes at her.

"hey philosopher stone." dan said leaning against a wall next to phil.

"hey dan, where's tyler?" phil asked chugging a beer bottle down. "oh i left him in the kitchen, he didn't feel like dancing or doing anything so he's in there on his phone." dan said shrugging his shoulders.

"ah, she's not the party type?" phil asked, mistaking his pronouns.

"he's, and no not really just take in mind he is only fifteen and isn't aloud to drink unlike you mister." dan stated raising his eyebrows.

phil chuckled downing the rest of his drink, "well i'm horny and want someone to fuck so i'll catch ya later, daniel" phil said stumbling his way off.

dan rolled his eyes, typical phil. always looking for a one-night stand. dan thought to himself shaking his head.

he sighed making his way over towards the crowd going in again, a girl made eye contact with him and walked over.

she looked over him seductively and asked, "you drunk kid?" she asked her breath only smelling of alcohol.

dan shook his head and the girl passed him a beer bottle.

dan popped open the beer bottle and downed the glass in under ten seconds.

he dropped it to the floor and danced letting his body take control.


it had been an hour later and the party had gotten even more riotous.

dan had been offered beers and he didn't turn any down, he kept drinking them until his vision became hazy.

he decided it was time to go look for tyler- since he had left him unattended for an hour which made dan feel bad.

 dan in the drunk state he is, stumbles into the kitchen looking for the familiar flop of brown curly hair.

he squinted his eyes to look for tyler but didn't find him- only to see a bunch of empty cups where dan had left him.

dan felt vomit rising up his throat and before he knew it he was emptying his guts out in the nearest trash can.

after that he walked over to the punch pouring himself a glass to get rid of the disgusting taste.

he drank a glass, he tasted a fruity combination of watermelon and  grapes but then met with a taste of alcohol.

dan immediately stopped drinking and looked over to see caspar drinking the punch too.

"caspar? what did you put in this punch?" dan asked worriedly.

"oh hey dan, i put fruit punch in and mixed it with beer and vodka." caspar said shrugging his shoulders.

dan dropped the plastic cup freaking out. "woah there dan, what's the matter?" caspar said trying to put his hand on dan's shoulder but only to find it pushed off by dan.

"i gave tyler that fucking juice, he isn't aloud to drink- he drank like six cups caspar!" dan freaked out running his hands through his hair messing it up.

"check the dance floor- i mean i don't know tyler well but that's probably where he'd be." caspar said trying to calm dan down.

dan shook his head and ran out of the kitchen trying to find his drunk brother.

dan ran into the giant lounge where people were crowded together dancing to loud music that was spread out throughout the house.

dan did a quick search of the crowd and didn't find tyler, which made him terrified- what if tyler had gotten in trouble? what if he was gone?

dan spent another ten minutes searching throughout downstairs- just as he was about to go upstairs tyler ran down.

tyler had tears on his face, his brown locks were knotted and his eyes were blood-shot.

when tyler saw dan he felt relief and tackled dan with a hug.

"tyler! oh my god, what happened?" dan asked hugging his brother tightly as he sobbed into his shoulder.

"i-i" tyler tried to speak but sobbed even more every time.

"ssh, its okay ty take your time." dan told him, bringing tyler into one of the empty bathrooms.

dan locked the door to make sure no one came in, tyler sat on the toilet knees hugged to chest and a tear stained face.

in the bathroom the music was barely audible.

dan kneeled down in front of tyler and looked him in the eyes, "what happened tyler, you know you can tell me anything" dan said reassuring putting his hand on tyler's knee.

tyler breathed in deeply, his breath quivering slightly.


"i-i um," tyler said trying to gain words.

dan rubbed his brothers knee, and tyler breathed in ready to let it all out.

"i lost my virginity dan." tyler huffed, tears filling his eyes again.

dan wasn't expecting anything like that, he expected his brother to have done weed or kissed a few people not lose his virginity.

dans mouth was in an 'o' shape and was to stunned to say anything.

after a minute of silence dan asked, "was it someone you know, or a complete stranger?" he asked so he could find out who's ass to beat up later.

tyler gulped and covered his face in shame, he started to sob and dan pulled tyler off the toilet and hugged him tightly.

"i-i don't want to tell you- yo-you'll kill me.." tyler hiccupped. dan knew tyler was insecure about his body and how he was born a girl. so to find out he lost his virginity to someone, that scared dan.

"i wouldn't kill you tyler, just tell me who i won't tell mum." dan reasoned, hugging his brother tighter reassuringly.

tyler mumbled something into dans shoulder that dan couldn't hear.

"who?" he asked.

tyler lifted up his head and looked his brother in the eyes.

dan looked back into tylers blood-shot eyes.

"i lost my virginity to phil."

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