11 ; fuck up

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a month had passed and dan usually had to stay at his dads house every weekend with tyler and zoe.

his parents had gotten the divorce papers signed and olivia got the weekdays with them, ryan getting weekends.

tyler on the weekdays was usually with his new girlfriend and zoe would go to the deyes household.

and well, dan he'd go to the park until eight o' clock.

at school, every little thing triggered dan.

he got pissed at anything, or even if his pencil fell off the desk he would get pissed off and leave the room.

apparently his anger has been taking a toll a lot lately.

his friends were truly worried for him; but they didn't ask dan about it since they didn't want to set him off.


"daniel, you've been slacking. stop looking out the window and look at the board." mrs. roth practically shouted.

the class giggled and dan was done with this bullshit.

he got up and left like always.

mrs. roth shouted after him. but dan ignored her, continuing to walk down the hallway till he was outside.

when he made it outside, the sky was gloomy and the wind was graceful.

dan walked out into the open field, the mid-spring grass swaying back and forth.

the air was brisk, and smelt of rain. the sun was crowded by clouds, vanishing for a bit then re-appearing.

dan walked stiffly to the back of the school, where no one ever came because it was off boundaries.

but do you think dan gave a shit? nope.

he sat at the very back, leaning against the wall and lighting a cigarette.

dan usually smoked three times a day now, which was very unhealthy but he didn't care.

it helped him in a way, but sometimes it didn't take all the pressure and stress away so he needed another.

at home, dan acted like a completely different person.

he helped his mum, and if he got mad he would instantly cool himself down, and if he couldn't; he would go outside and take a breather.

olivia had heard of dans tantrums and would tell dan encouraging things to stop them.

they never seemed to work, but at least she cared.

things with phil, only got worse. his friends would tease dan about being gay even though he wasn't even gay.

but it put even more pressure on him since he couldn't even fucking categorize himself.

dan puffed out the smoke and coughed a bit, dan knew this would have a bad outcome but it helped him.

and nobody has told him to stop (since no one knows) so he continued doing it.

"dan?" a soft voice asked, dan opened his eyes and looked towards where the voice was coming from.

speak of the devil, there stood dodie clutching onto her messenger bag.

"what the hell are you doing, dan?" she asked in a quiet, yet angered voice.

"smoking, what does it look like i'm doing?" dan snarled, anger filling inside of him.

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