4 ; troubled

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"i lost my virginity to phil."

those words rang in dans ears. he stood there dumbfounded.

tyler held in a sob and began speaking again.

"phil- he came in on me in the bathroom- he started kissing me and my mind didn't listen to me and it.. it happened." tyler hiccupped.

"after i went to go see him and he was-" tyler broke into sobs.

dan hugged his brother close.

"he was kissing another girl, i meant nothing to him, dan!" tyler shouted, crying more than he already was.

of course, dan thought. he doesn't know phil is a player.

to say dan was mad- was an understatement, he was furious.

tyler gulped.

"he also- took off my binder in the middle of it. i-i couldn't find it when putting my clothes on because it was dark." he hesitated.

"stay here ty, i'll go get it." and take care of phil, he added on in his head.

tyler smiled thankfully and with that dan left his little brother.


dan stormed up the stairs to find phil and beat his ass.

dan opened one of the bedroom doors to find phil- shirtless making out with a random chick.

"phil we need to talk, now." dan shouted.

they both looked over and the chick rolled her eyes.

she got up and muttered 'total cock block' and walked out of the room, slamming the door.

"what the fuck dan-" phil began but dan wasn't taking any of his bullshit.

"no, what the fuck too you!" dan practically screamed at phil.

phil got taken a back at dans words, they had never gotten into a fight before.

"what did i do?" phil replied, confusion in his voice.

dan stormed over to him and slapped him across the face. phil held his cheek that was turning red from the impact from dan.

"you fucked tyler phil, took his virginity! then after that you start kissing a girl right in front of him!" dan yelled, his voice cracking at the end.

phil stood up and he scoffed, "dan its tyler's fault, he is the one who fell to my touch and let me fuck him! he knows i am a player-"

phil began but dan cut him off, "no he doesn't phil! he doesn't know anything about our school life, he thought he was something special to you!" dan yelled tears filling his eyes.

"well you know life isn't sunshine and rainbows, tyler had too loose her virginity at some point!" he shouted, his voice raising louder than dans.

dan couldn't take it any more and he screamed.

"i hate you phil! you hurt my little brother emotionally and i will never forget that! i forbid you to even go three meters near him." dan screamed at the top of his lungs.

"i will gladly, fuck you dan!" phil replied, same tone as dans.

"don't go near me." dan spat. phil glared putting on his shirt.

"gladly, now go back to your faggot brother." phil spat as he left the room, slamming the door making dan flinch.

dan hadn't realized he was crying until he rubbed his face, he sniffled turning on one of the lamps finding tyler's binder half under the bed.

dan sighed grabbing it and heading back down stairs to get his brother- they were definitely leaving the party now.


tyler had put on his binder and was too drunk to walk so dan had carried him home bridal style.

when they had arrived home it was one in the morning, dan had entered his home carefully and quietly not wanting to wake any family members.

he had put tyler in his bed, when his head hit the pillow tyler was fast asleep.

dan smiled sadly at his younger brother and kissed his forehead lightly.

dan left his brothers room and went into his- stripping himself down to his boxers and lied in bed.

he turned on his phone, the brightness making him squint his eyes to see.

he went to phils contact and blocked the number.

dan turned off his phone and rubbed his face.

how would he explain this to his parents?

'oh yeah phil fucked tyler, we aren't friends anymore.'

no, that would get them no good.

there was always another option, to not telling them.

and dan kind of liked the second one.


the weekend spent of dan staying inside of tylers room comforting him and there parents didn't ask anything, just how the party was and they both replied it was good just to crowded.

they didn't mention anything about tyler loosing his virginity- or how dan and phil weren't friends anymore.

soon it was Monday and dan was stressing in the morning about how the day was going to go- he and phil weren't friends, who would we hang out with?

would he become the lonesome emo like he is when phil isn't at school for a day? would he make new friends, or no friends at all?

he sighed heavily as he walked to school, skipping his bus so he could think to himself.

the walk was quiet, and peaceful. except for all the thoughts that were going through dans brain- that wasn't so quiet and peaceful.

dan was in grade twelve, going into sixth form next year- his last year. tyler was in grade ten, but they barely got to see each other at school from the different bells.

who would he hang out with? dan had thought, he was about to enter the school gates when he found out.

dan was going to hang out with some of his old friends.

dodie clarke, chris kendall, troye sivan, and louise pentland.

dan gulped as he entered the school entering the crowded halls he used to love, but hated now.

of course dan was foolish and made his mum switch him into half of the classes phil was in, at the beginning of the year.

dan let out a frustrated sigh as he fiddled with his locker throwing his bag in and collecting his binder for english.

dan could already tell this day was going to absolute hell for him.


A/N: this chapter is short like dans dick.

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