31 ; peej

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"yes." dan spluttered out, biting his lip regretfully. dan saw phils lips tug up but went back down.

"ok." phil said slowly, nodding and grabbing the tv remote from dan turning the volume up. dan gave a small smile watching the tv.


"you're friends with phil again?" dodie gawked, her blurry face on skype looking offended almost. dan nodded.

"well what else am i supposed to do dodie? i probably have to share this dorm room with him for another two or more years!" dan exclaimed.

"i know you could always switch, but thats too much work." dan frowned, resting chin in his hand.

dodie sighed, "just don't do anything stupid. anyways how is greenwich?" she asked smiling.

"its good, my teacher is an asshat though. but i made some new friends, pj and cornelia they are pretty nice." he said, smiling.

dodie was about to say something before dans dorm door opened, revealing pj. dan took out his earbuds, telling dodie he had to go.

"hey peej," dan giggled. "why are you in my dorm room- wait how did you even find out my number?" he asked.

pj smiled, "i wanted to see you. also i saw phil and i asked him, he like glared at me when he told me." he chuckled lightly.

dan smiled swinging his legs over the bed looking up at pj, "wanna get coffee then?" dan offered.

pj blushed nodding, dan just smiled grabbing his wallet and they were off heading towards the nearest starbucks.


"i've only known you for like a week now but you're amazing dan, so nice and cute." pj flirted, pinching dans cheeks.

dan blushed saying, "i am not cute!" he refuses laughing lightly. pj just rolled his eyes playfully.

pj smiled, leaning in on the table. but was cut off by dans phone, vibrating and ringing from incoming calls and texts.

dan sighed, "one sec pj. someone keeps spam texting and calling me." he huffed picking up the phone checking his notifications.

"oh i didn't know you were so popular mr. daniel james howell." pj joked, dan raised an eyebrow not knowing peej knew his full name.

"phil has texted me seven times and called me twice." dan mumbled, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion.

phil texted dan, 'phil: wanna play some football in the field? my friends are busy. text me back soon x'

'phil: didn't mean to add the x lmao'

'phil: or did i mean it?'

'phil: yeah i did.'

'phil:no homo.'

'phil: did i weird u out?'

'phil: shit sorry, meet me in the field though?'

dan groaned, "phil wants me to go play football with him." he told pj, who shook his head laughing.

"he always wanted to play football when we were little, anyways doesn't he have friends here?" pj commented.

"yeah, lots. a lot of his friends went here but most of them are dicks and i hate them all." dan shrugged.

"what should i text him back, i can't leave him on read cause thats an asshole move." dan said tilting his head.

"if you wanna be salty then go for the 'i have better things to do than play football with you.' or something like 'can't hanging out with my lover.' and add a winky face." pj chuckled.

dan faked a smile about to text phil back, but he was going to use pjs first remark but something stopped him.

'dan™: maybe later phil, maybe tonight when the sunsetting?'

'phil: of course bby.'


"pj sorry to cut this short but i have to do something tonight." dan frowned hugging his friend.

"aw its ok, i had a good time anyways. i hope you did too, it was my main goal to make you happy today." pj smiled hugging back.

"pj thats too nice, you're going to make me blush." dan said giddy, covering his face not wanting to flush up.

"its ok dan, have a good night." pj said softly, before removing dans hands from his face and kissing his cheek.

as pj walked away, dan cupped a hand around where pj kissed. yes they only have known each other for little over a week but that made dans stomach full of butterflies and happiness.

dan was smiling non-stop his walk over to the football field, seeing the familiar tall poles. he saw phil in the stands, with a football in hand.

"hey phil." dan called, motioning phil down from the bleachers. phil smirked, jogging down quickly.

"hey dan, how was your day?" phil asked tossing him the football casually, dan caught it- inches away from his face.

"it was good, but someone spam texted me and called me to hang out when i was hanging out with someone else." dan commented as he threw the football towards phil.

phil laughed, catching it. "hey i was bored, and caspar was being a dick and hanging out with his fucking girlfriend." he grumbled.

"aw don't be so pouty, some people have relationships and you can't get all pouty about it when they hang out." he said smiling gleefully.

phil rolled his eyes, "well i'm not the one who's fucking his friends cousin." phil snarled, throwing the ball towards dan harshly.

dan, who was not expecting this got impacted in the chest getting thrown back onto the grass having a coughing fit.

"oh fuck! dan are you ok?" phil shouted jogging fast towards dan, sitting next to him once he got there.

phil picked up dan resting his head on his chest, dan coughing had died down but his breathing was hitched.

after about a minute, dans breathing had gone to normal and was snuggled into phils chest enjoying the platonic cuddling.

"you ok? didn't mean to throw it that hard, i was." phil paused, "angry." he breathed out, dan looked up at him innocently.

"yeah i'm fine, the ball hit my chest hard and when i fell i choked on my own spit." dan giggled softly.

"you're so precious dan," phil said getting up. "too innocent for this world." he continued, helping dan up grabbing his small hands.

the football wrapped in his left arm. "what makes you think i'm innocent?" dan asked after a bit cocking an eyebrow up.

the two walked towards the dorms, peacefully. "oh is mr. howell not that innocent any more?" phil teased.

"well considering i've been friends with you for a long period of time, yeah. i'm not as innocent as you think." dan chuckled.


once the two arrived back at the dorm, dan went to bed. having a hard day of studying for a small quiz coming up, hanging out with pj and then playing football with phil.

phil stayed up, re-watching some riverdale episodes. however, he wasn't as focused on the show. instead his gaze was on dan.

he was sleeping, his lips parted and chest rising slowly. his body was wrapped in a ball, his duvet on the floor.

phil grabbed it placing it over dan, watching as his body relaxed to the warmth making phil smile.

before phil moved away, he kissed dans temple quickly before getting into bed himself.

a/n: lmao looks like phils in love with dan.

also i have this new book and i already have the first chapter written, should i publish it? its phan and has trans!dan (:

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