Swimming Flashback

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Blue Jay/Luna Lances pov

1 week after victory against vandal savage

"But Lu, why can't I go!" Cam whines

"Because Cam, this is a very private swimming class" I say

"But-" he begins but I cut him off by pressing my lips against his

I Pull away and look at him

"Now look I need to focus okay? I won't be able to learn how to swim if I'm staring at you the whole time" I tease tracing my fingers on his chest

His cheeks begin to turn pink

"Now I need to go, but I will be back in time for movie night, I promise." I say kissing his cheek then leaving

He waves me goodbye as I hail for a cab

"Happy Harbor Beach please" I tell the driver as I enter

We drive until we are at a parking lot by the beach

"Thank you!" I say and was going to give him money

"No need ma'am, you're Dinah lances sister! She helped me through a tough time and it didn't cost me anything! Please if you ever need a chauffeur here's my card!" He said handing me a business card

"Oh wow! Thank you so much!" I waved then he left

I begin running to the beach by mount justice and see Aqualad in his swim trunks as well as robin

I wave to them

I jump on them giving them a bear hug

"Hello Luna" Aqualad

"Hey guys! I didn't know you were gonna be here Robin" I said a little surprised that he's here

"Aqualad decided that having another human to teach you would be easier since he was born knowing how to swim and he wouldn't know how to make you understand in Atlantean terms" Robin said nonchalantly

"Well alrighty then" I say

"Let us start with floating" Aqualad says

I nod

Both the boys and I go waist deep

"It's simple, just loosen your body and lay on your back and you'll float" Robin said

I nodded

I carefully leaned back and both the boys held my back 

I sat there for about a few minutes then realized that both of them let go

"whoa I'm floating, this is actually pretty relaxing" I say

"Okay now lets move on to swimming techniques" Robin says

I watch robin paddle his arms and the legs opposite to his arm, he made it look easy

then Aqualad did what I called the mermaid, which basically meant his body movement was entirely in sync

I decided to go with what robin did and paddled at first it was really hard to keep up with but sooner or later I managed to get the hang of it

"Way to go Luna! You did it!" Robin said

"woohoo!" I say

"congratulations Luna, now if we ever have a diving mission you will be able to join us" Kaldur said

Robins Pov

"Race you guys back to shore!" Luna says

"Oh someone is getting a little cocky now aren't we" I say smirking

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