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Blue jay/Luna Lance pov

"They're both gonna wind up our responsibility" Mal complained

"Not Necessarily, Bart, impulse is staying with Joan and Jay Garrick in Central city, and Roy the original speedy is recuperating at Royal Memorial hospital in Star City. Arrows green and red are watching over him, and Luna will be watching over him when they are not there" Nightwing explains

"Mm-hm they're both gonna wind up our responsibility," Mal says

"Doesn't everything? I mean where are we on identifying the lights new partner" Conner says

"No progress" Nightwing sighs pinching his nose

"This partner of there's, is very skilled at staying concealed but we will get a lead soon enough" I say putting a hand on Nightwings shoulder

We hear giggling as we see la'gann and Mgann walk in flirting

"La'gann don't eat so fast" she says

"I can't help it Angelfish! The idea of cooking crabs is amazing enough, but making them into little cakes?" He said as he continues to eat the crab cakes on the levitating plate

"You're gonna choke" she says

"If only" superboy whispers

"Here let me" Mgann says flirtatiously putting a cake into his mouth

"If that's not true love I don't know what is, Chum" la'gann says

"What have I told you two about-" I begin to say

"Oh don't get a fishhook up your butt blue jay," lagoon boy says

"Excuse me" I say giving him a stern glare this worries M'gann but then she smiles at him grabbing his hand

I roll my eyes and walk up to superboy

"If they don't stop I think I might vomit on lagoon boy" I say

I may be 21 but I hate PDA

"Call me when it's time for the briefing" superboy says

Recognize Artemis B-0-7

The Zeta tube speaks and glows then Artemis walks in full uniform

"Time for the briefing" Nightwing says

"Artemis" Mgann says excitedly flying over to her nearly dropping the plate of crab cakes if it weren't for lagoon boy catching it

"Hi M'gann" she says

"How's Wally!" Megan asks

"He's...Wally" she says we all laugh

I hug her

"What's up Luna!" She says

"Just training newbies, some still need more than others" I say glancing at lagoon boy

"Welcome back girl" Mal says

"Hey Mal!" She says

"We have so missed around here" Conner says

"Conner!" She says excitedly

"I relish this opportunity to finally fight beside you, Archer." La'gaan says

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