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Blue Jay/Luna Lances Pov

Right now it is just me, Tim, Dick, and Gar

Dick is studying something and I'm looking at it with him

'Decryption completed, translated completed' the computer said

"Is that the krolotean intel?" Robin asked

"What Krolotean intel" Beastboy asks confused

"The Data files M'gann and J'onn recovered on Malina Island before it was destroyed," Nightwing says

"Uh! Noted!" Gar said

"Apparently the Kroloteans were snatching humans to use as guinea pigs. They were hoping to find something. Something inside us" Nightwing explained

"What" Tim asks

"We don't really know what it is" I say slightly annoyed that I can barely understand what these data files are

"There is no English word for it. The nearest translations is meta-gene" Nightwing said

"Whats a meta-gene" Robin says

"Never met a gene I didn't like" Beastboy jokes

"Warning unknown energy impulse detected" the computer says

Nightwing shuts off the computer

Instantly there is a ball of lightning in the cave

"What the-" I say

Nightwing and I push the boys behind us, he has Tim directly behind him, and I have Gar, since Mgann needed me to watch him until she got back from her date with la'gann


All of a sudden a machine appears in the center of the cave from the lightning

"Stand ready" Nightwing and I say at the same time

We get into fighting positions and the machine door opens

A human looking boy pops out of the machine and smiles with his arms in the air

"Ta-da!" He says

We just all stand there shocked that this person just  somehow popped in here

"Intruder alert. Intruder alert" the computer says

"Computer lockdown cave" Nightwing says

"Well I think we found our unknown energy impulse" Beastboy says

"Impulse? That's so crash! Catchy, dramatic, one word, like Nightwing, and Robin and beast boy and blue jay! Excepts that's two words, blue jay is two words, blue beetles two words. Hey is he here too? Never mind! Impulse can find that out for himself" he says running off

"He's a speedster?" I say in shock

"You three take him down now" Nightwing says, "we're crash?"

Beast boy heads for the showers to corner him

Robin heads to the kitchen

And as for me I'm going to try and corner him in the hallway just before the kitchen

He runs towards me and I get in fighting stands

I see him smirk

He picks up a bed sheet which was from, wait a minute? That's from my room in the cave!

I dodge it for the first time and I kick at him he goes under my leg then quickly ties me with the bed sheet and then picks me up

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