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Blue Jays pov

Nightwing and i continue to find some information on the light and they're partners then the zeta beams go off, Gar was in his room watching 'hello Megan', superboy was in the grotto

Recognized blue beetle B-22, impulse B-23

Nightwing and I turn

"Haha! Left them in the dust!" Impulse said

"Left who in the dust, and what is that?" He said pointing at the alien device that impulse is holding

"Souvenir!" Impulse said

"Souvenirs are beastboys thing ese" blue beetle says

"Oh really? I thought it was Kid Flash" impulse said confused

"Although now it is beast boys thing it originally was Kid Flashes thing" I say smiling

"Can we get to it" nightwing says

"Sorry, Aqualad attacked us with icicle Jr, the terror twins, and a ninja girl I didn't recognize" blue beetle says

I uncross my arms

"What!" I say

"This is how they tracked blue, I made sure they couldn't do it again" impulse says smiling

I facepalm myself

"So you brought foreign possibly alien tech into the cave, rookie mistake!" Nightwing says

Blue beetle and impulse look down guiltily

Nightwing sighs

"Alright give it here" nightwing tells impulse

Impulse does what he is told

I sigh

"Nightwing will analyze it, as for you two combat training now!" I say sternly

They train for a bit then I walk over to nightwing

"You shouldn't be so hard on them Dick, they didn't know, they're new to this and Bart doesn't understand past tech" I tell him

He sighs

"I know I know, I worry after Artemis I-I just want us to be prepared" he says

I put a hand on his shoulder

"I understand Dick" I say

He half smiles and continues analyzing

Then the security system goes off

"Ugggggghh I'm an idiot!" Nightwing says

He turns around and superboy gets thrown at him

"In positions!" I shout

Icicle shoots ice blue beetle flies as impulse runs

"Oh this ones a classic, ice over the floor and speedster loses traction right?" He says and elbows Junior into a wall, "wrong"

I see Tubbet Carry beastboy

"Beast boy!" I shout

"That works so nice I'll try it twice" impulse says

"Impulse don't!" I say

He bounces right of Tubbet and tommy catches him

Impulse punches him then squirms in pain

"Ugh! My hands! What're you made of" impulse asks

Tommy brings impulse close to his Face

Blue Jay: A silent Bird Where stories live. Discover now