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BlueJay/Luna Lance pov

I await Ollie's signal, I have been helping him search for Red Arrow who has been missing for awhile

I am starting to lose patience

Wally can tell

"Luna relax" he says

"GA is going to find him, there have been sightings of a red archer here so he's here just be patient" Nightwing says

"You guys are so not helping right now" I tell them annoyed

"Sorry" they say at the same time

"Luna, it is alright just take a breath." Dinah says

I nod take a deep breath then relax

I hear my com go off

"Ollie did you-" I say pressing it

"I found him, and it's worse than we thought" he says

"We are on our way" Nightwing tells him

We quickly go to the roof that Olivers on and wait behind the building

Roy lands on the roof and tumbles rolling to Olivers feet

"Hey Roy, need a hand" Oliver says holding his hand out to him

Roy slapped it away

"No" he says angrily

"We think you do" Dick says

Dick, Wally, Jim Harper (ex-guardian, also Jim Harpers clone), Dinah and I walk out

He looks at all of us

"I have nothing to say to any of you, nothing to explain, nothing to justify" he says picking up his bow and begins walking away

Oliver grabs the wad of cash out of Roys pocket

"Nothing?" Ollie says holding the money up

Roy stops

"It's not what it looks like, I mean that store owner won't miss it. He offered me a reward anyway. Besides I deserve it. Guy wouldn't have any of his money back if I hadn't stepped in" He says

Okay now he is starting to tick me off

"Dude are you even listening to yourself" Wally says

"Look I need it," Roy says snatching the money out of Olivers hand, "I need it to find speedy, the real Roy Harper, a search like that is expensive, especially when the rest of you have all given up"

"We didn't give up! We just came to terms with the truth! When will you!" I say irritated

He glared at me and I stared back sharply

"Roy I know you feel lost, but that doesn't mean you are alone." Dinah says putting a hand on his shoulder

"I'm not the one that's lost" he said and turned away from her

"When was the last time you trained? The last time you slept?" She begins

"Don't even start. I'm in the best shape of my life" he says

"Oh really" she says about to fight him

I put my hand on her shoulder

"No Canary it should be me after all if he is in such great shape, he shouldn't have a problem beating me, since he always beat me in training" I say

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