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Blue Jay/Luna Lance pov

Miss Martian found out about the missing 16 hours

The justice league attacked a planet called Rimbor, announcing that all the Galaxy should fear them, so now they are wanted criminals in the entire Galaxy

Right now we are headed to a mission on Malina island

Each team is a justice league member and their partner(s) minus red arrow who is still MIA

Canary and I wait outside the mountain for an opening when I hear explosions

"We need to get inside!" I say

"Nightwing to delta squad, enemy is attempting to escape request back up!" I hear in my com

Superboy and superman bust through the wall, canary and I run in as Wondergirl, and Wonder Woman fly in

We each take down machines

Manta troopers surround me and Black Canary

"Hm. Looks Like we're surrounded Blue Jay" Canary smiles

I smirk

"That's okay. I could use a warm up" I say cracking my knuckles

I jump in the air and do a double spin kick as Canary does a low sweep

I then knock two soldiers heads together as she does a jump split knocking two soldiers out

Then we do our signature move which is we jump on the soldiers neck and do a back handspring tossing them to the ground making them unconscious

Finally we punch the last two

"Now that was fun" I say as we both shake our hands off from punching the soldiers

"Definitely a good work out" she says chuckling slightly, "I have missed fighting beside you Blue Jay"

"I have missed you too Black Canary. Now, Cmon we need to help Aquaman and Lagoon Boy against Manta!" I say

As we run to them Aquaman punches Mantas helmet off which reveals Aqualad

We all stare in shock

"K-Kaldur?" I question barely able to get his name out

This cannot be true, he would never betray Atlantis like this

"I had not believed Nightwing until this moment" Aquaman says

"You did not want to believe!" He yells

"None of us wanted to believe this! How could you betray us!" Superboy says

"You dare question me! After all of you let Tula die!" He yells

"Kaldur, that was a mission. Aquagirl knew the risks. No one wanted her to-" Nightwing begins

"Neptunes beard! Don't coddle this traitor! He has joined forces with our kings greatest enemy!" Lagoon Boy says gritting through his teeth

"Do you mean the king who hid from me the true identity of my father" Kaldur speaks now in a fighting stance

"That was my error in judgement Kaldur 'Ahm. No one else need suffer for it." Aquaman says

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