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Luna's pov

It's been one week since Artemis past. I am meeting up Green and red arrow at the hospital

I hear a knock on my door

I open it to see clone Roy

"Hey Lu, how you holding up?" He asks

I shrug

"I'm fine" I say

He crosses his arms

" you're not. I can see it in your eyes Lu. Your eyes are red and you have bags under them from lack of sleep." He says

I sigh as the tears swell up

He pulls me into his chest

"I know Luna, I miss her too" he whispers stroking my hair

We pull apart and he wipes my tears away

"Cmon we have to meet Oliver at the hospital" I sigh and nod

We walk together in silence

"So can I ask you something?" I say breaking the ice

"Sure." He says

"Why were you with Cheshire when you rescued Roy? I thought you hated her, especially after she left" I say

"No I didn't hate jade, I was just so consumed with finding speedy, that I didn't pay attention to her, or my daughter" he says

I stop

"You have a KID!?!" i say shocked

"Uh did I forget to mention that?" He says scratching the back of his neck

"Um..yeah! You did!" I say

"Um surprise...Youre an Aunt?" He said

"You are an idiot" I say

"Believe me I know." He says, "but I'm an idiot who couldn't ask for more"

He pulls out his phone and types then shows me a picture of him and jade making goofy faces and a laughing baby with ginger hair

"This is Lian Nguyen Harper, my daughter" he said

"She's precious Roy an absolute angel, I am glad you have created a family" I say

I look down sad

"Lu, you'll have this someday I know it" he said

"I know I just wish it were with Cam, but that dream can never happen" I say sadly

"You will find someone and I know Cam will be watching down on you, proud of the woman you have become." Roy says

I smile

"Alright we are right outside the hospital, I really hope he doesn't start with the attitude" I say

we walk up to the lady in the office

"We're here to see Roy Harper" I say

"Relation?" the woman asks

"Step sister and twin brother" I say

she nods and lets us in

Ollie was already there

"Hey Oliver, speedy" I say

"Who are you and who is THAT" Speedy said bitterly pointing to Red Arrow

"My name is Luna Lance" I say, "I'm Dinah's sister and her protégé Blue Jay"

"Last I checked Dinah only had one dead sister." He said

I stiffen

I can't believe he even brought up Sara!!!

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