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Blue Jay/Luna Lances pov

I can't believe it! I told him I wouldn't be late for anymore dates and now I'm late again!

I am starting to feel like Wally

I run in my heels to the new teens dance club that I was supposed to meet Cameron at

I told Oliver I couldn't go on patrol today, I told him I had a date today, but no,  he just had to be a big baby because Dinah is on an off world mission and he just had to do it with someone

Why didn't he just have Artemis do it you might ask

I have no flipping clue and I am going to kill him when this date is over!

Luckily I made it only 10 minutes late

I run in looking for Cam and find him sitting at a table

I kiss his cheek and sit next to him

"I'm so sorry I'm late babe, Ollie kept making me do stuff for Queen Consolidated, even though I told him to have Artemis do it" I say

"Its fine, I mean you are only 10 minutes late...again" he says whispering the last part

"I really am sorry, trust me if Dinah didn't go on that business trip this wouldn't be an issue" I say

"It's okay, I get it you have a busy family, I understand" he says smiling

"How did I end up with such an amazing guy like you" I say

He shrugs and we eat our food

Then we dance together for a while until it starts getting very late

I decide to take off my heels and We start walking home until we see Toy Man making havoc of the city in his giant robotic machine

How am I going to get in uniform with Cam here?

I see a 7 year old girl look Afraid as Toy Man comes closer to her

I go and bolt for her

"Luna No!" I hear Cam yell

Of course being me I don't listen

I run fast enough to where I am able to grab the girl and do a tuck and roll before we are nearly crushed

Toy Man creates havoc on the rest of the city

I press a button in my choker that alerts the justice league for emergency help

I look at the little girl

"Are you okay?" I ask

She nods

"Rosie, oh thank goodness you are okay, thank you young lady thank you" a woman says picking up her daughter and running

"Everyone evacuate the area!" I yell

Cam runs up to Me and grabs my hand

"We need to split up, I have to go make sure Roy is okay I'll meet you back at the apartments" I say

"What do you mean Roy! He's probably fine!" Cam says obviously getting agitated

I yank my hand away and point at a building that's on fire

"See those apartments, that is where Roy lives! Now go home, go to your dad, and go to the panic room until given the all clear" I tell him

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