Flashback Strip Club

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Luna's pov

"Absolutely not" I say

"Not happening" Artemis says

"No are you kidding me right now" Zatanna speaks

"C'mon we really need you for this one" Dick says in his robin uniform said

"Dick you realize we are ALL underage, and the fact you are even asking Zatanna? Why don't you ask some of the older females on the team or Megan" I say

"M'gann is off world with J'onn and Roquette is on a mission with Icon" he said

"And why can't you guys do this?" Artemis says pointing at Wally and Dick

"Because the people that work there are females, why you think you'll see something you like" Wally says flexing his arms

this earns him a punch from me and Artemis

"OW!! Why do you two always tag team punch me!" Wally whines

"Because you're an idiot" I say Becoming slightly immature.

What? Me and him are the same age. I can be immature every now and then.

"We really need you for this mission, I would never ask this if I could do it on my own, you three know that, besides the group you are posing as wont be strippers you'll just be dancers" Dick continues

"Ugh Fine!" We all gave in

the boys smile

"When do we leave?" Zatanna asks

"First thing tomorrow, you guys will be heading to east Gotham to go work at the Black Lights Strip club, so pack your things, briefing dismissed" He says

"Artemis want to come home with me?" I ask

"Sure let me just get the keys to my bike" She says

I nod

*Later that day*

Artemis and I sit in Dinah's apartment with Wally still in uniform as well as myself then the door bell rang I quickly run up to the door and look through the peak hole and see Cam

"Luna! WAIT!" They said but Ignore them and pull Cameron in

"Woah!" He says as I shut the door quickly

"Jay what are you doing" KF askes

"stay whelmed guys he knows my secret alright chill" I say

they stand there shocked with their mouths open

"You told him!" Wally shouted

"Yes now shut up before security comes" I say

he nods

"Now Cameron, Artemis, our friend Zatanna, and myself are going to be out of town for a few days on a mission, and I need you to make sure your dad doesn't ask any questions, if he does say I am on vacation with Artemis, because he knows normally you have either been here or I have been over there" I say

Cameron nods, he walks over to me and kisses my cheek then wraps his arms around my waist

"If you don't mind me asking what is the mission" he asks with a big smile

Artemis and I cringe and look at each other

"Um Well" we say at the same time

Wally snickers

"You better shut up, you need to think about what this mission is and why there is an issue, especially since your GIRLFRIEND is participating!" I say

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