Flashback: Its time you know

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Luna's pov

I'm on a mission and a bunch of Gotham villains have come to star city

"GA, why are there a bunch of Gotham villains here?!" I asked hoping maybe he might have an answer

"Don't Know but be careful, Gothams villains are more notorious than all of my villains combined" he says shooting Arrows at each one

I punch two-face then get wrapped in vines as does GA

I struggle to get out

"Now now sweetie, I would be careful, the more you struggle, the tighter my vines get" she says

"Not if they're shredded to pieces by a sonic frequency" I say smirking

She frowns

I use the sonics in my hand and shred the plant to bits

This makes her angry

I knock her out

I cut GA free

"You alright?" I ask

"Yeah I'm fine, duck!" He says

I duck and he shoots through scarecrows uniform pinning him to the wall

I smile and then push him out of the way because he was nearly hit with Harley's hammer

Her hammer hits me in the stomach causing me to fly across the street and crash into the window of my apartment building

I see cam duck out of the way behind his desk

I cough up blood and spit it out

Cam runs over to me

"Blue Jay! Are you alright!" He asks

I nod

"Yes young man, im fine now get to safety" I say to him seriously wiping the blood from my lips

He stands there frozen

joker comes in nearly stabbing cam

"Cam look out!" I shout pushing him out of the way which causes the knife to go into my side

"How do you-" he asks

"No time...get out of here, find...your family and go to a panic room" I say

"But-" he tries to protest

I look him sternly in the eyes

"NOW!" I say

he nods

"ouch, that had to hurt" Joker laughs

"Not as much as its going to hurt...when I kick your butt, then we will see who is smiling" I say

I stand up and pull the knife out of my side, I cringe even more

GA comes in but is being attacked by firefly

"Why are you here clown, why are all of you here" I say

"Well my dear, we are here for you" he says darkly

I put more pressure against my stab wound

"Don't tell me. You're  working for Silver Banshee" I say irritated with my mother

"of course, especially for the generous reward she will give to the lucky winner" he says

I look at him in confusion


"10 million dollars worth of Irish jewels.. Imagine the havoc I could cause using that money to enhance my joker venom, all the smiles I could bring to the world" he says

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