Present time: Losing Control

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Luna's pov

I wake up from another screeching nightmare

I remove my muzzle and rub my temples

These nightmares have been getting stronger

"Maybe I just need some coffee" I say to myself

I walk over to my coffee machine and begin brewing

I grab a mug out of my cabinets but then I hear a screech in my head

It pains me so much that I drop the mug and it shatters

I clutch my head as the screeching continues

"Stop it stop it stop it!" I whisper yelled

It stops but then a voice speaks

It is time for you to embrace your destiny. The banshee gift shall be Bestowed upon you soon.

"No. Never I-I don't want it!" I say

"Your fate has already been sealed. It has been since the day you were born."

"No I can stop it! I can stop into letting you become me.
I-I will find away!"

"We both know you won't. No matter where you go or what you do. This gift will be given to you"

"This isn't a gift! It's a curse and I want nothing to do with it!" I say

You do not have a choice! You are to be the next banshee. Deny your fate as long as you like but soon your destiny will be sealed

"Shut up! I'll find a way to stop it! You won't control me!" I say

Foolish child! you cannot stop the banshee, when the process has already begun.

I run to a mirror and look my corneas flicker back and forth from black and white and pieces of my hair begin to turn white by then fade back to brown

"No no no no. This isn't happening!" I say punching the mirror" "I-I have to see her." I say

I quickly change into a grey long sleeved crop top and dark blue jean shorts. I know then put on a black hoodie and run out of my apartment

I run panicked

I trip and fall rolling on the ground scraping my arms and legs

"You okay" someone asks

"Yeah I was just in a rush" I say

"Here let me help you up" he says

This voice belonged to Superboy

"Luna? It's 3 in the morning where are you rushing to at this hour?" He asks

I had to think of a lie quick

"I forgot to pay my electric bill, the power is out, I'm gonna run to the convenience store and get a couple of portable lamps and candles" I say

"Actually why are you up this late" I question

"Couldn't sleep and I like roaming the city it's peaceful." He says

We stand there for a second

"Luna are you feeling okay you're looking really pale almost white" he says

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