Present time:Themeetup

231 5 0

Luna Lances pov

I sigh and get ready to meet up with Wally, Dick, and Artemis In Palo Alto at Artemis and Wallys place

I call Wally to see if he needed me to bring anything

W: hello

L: hey is there anything you want me to bring

W: hmm lemme ask Arty. Babe is there anything you want Luna to bring? Ok I'll let her know. Yeah, can you bring chips and dips

L: sure

W: okay thanks Lu, and I'm really glad you are coming

L: once again if I didn't Nightwing wouldn't stop breaking into my apartment. Anyways I'll see you in 20

W: alright see you then

We hang up and I go to the store to pick up dips

I'm about to just walk to the store when dick pulls up to me in a blue corvet

"Need a ride?" He asks

I cross my arms clearly annoyed

"Are you following me now?" I say

"Just get in the car" he says ignoring my question

I blow on my bangs

"So what's with the tude?" Dick asks

I look at him

"Meaning" I say getting defensive

"Oh I don't know, maybe that the fact you aren't feeling the aster right now" he says

"Look I'm not in the mood for this, there's a lot of stuff that's been going on that you don't know or don't need to know about" I say

"Like what, the fact that you wear your gloves and a muzzle on your mouth every night before you go to sleep, or the fact that your nightmares keep getting stronger" he says nonchalantly

I look at him shocked

"Oh come on Lu, I'm a detective, I can tell by the little things" he says

"Do you break into my house while I sleep" I say

"No, you have dark circles under your eyes that you try to cover with powder which means you don't get enough sleep, the only time you don't get enough sleep is on late night missions or nightmares and last I checked you haven't gone out on any missions in happy harbor unless it is assigned, and as for your muzzle, you sleep on your side so your face presses against it and it leaves marks on your cheeks" he says

I looked down feeling shameful

"Relax I'm not going to tell anyone, I know what's it's like to have a nightmare, and to have it be about someone I loved dearly" he says, "but if it gets out of control we have to report it to the league"

I sigh and nod

"Fine" I say

We go to the store and pick up dips while dick gets a bunch of drinks

"You're buying alcohol? I think not! speedsters metabolisms are too fast, also you are underaged" I say taking the alcohol away from him

He pouts

"Hey I'm not getting busted if Bruce finds out you get stupid drunk...again" I say

He groans

"Fine I'll buy apple ciders" he says

I nod

We grab the stuff and head to Wally's house

"Hello, party people!" Wally says opening the door

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