# 7: I wear my heart on my sleeves

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I arrive to the school next day in non other than Ace's Porsche. I hate the fact that I am the nerd whom the school's bad boy noticed. And the fact isn't helping that he entwined his fingers with mine and kissed my forehead. 

And then the swarm of butterflies started fluttering in my stomach. And made the rumors to flow, how I really love to turn Ace's face into an abstract art of black and blue for this.

So next time I saw him in English lit I didn't hesitated before I punched him directly. "hey that hurts why did you did that for baby girl?" Ace asked. 

"for picking me up without my consent and for throwing me into your car and driving me into school did you heard what they are telling about me?" I asked. 

"what?" he asked innocently. "what have you done to make them believe that we are together?" I asked. "I held your hand and I kissed you and you my love allowed me to" he said.

"I did not do it got that now stop acting so lovey dovey with me it's not like we are lovers and we have slept together so stop driving every guy away from me" I hissed.

 "oh baby girl you have wounded me see when it comes to you I wear my heart on my sleeves" he said. "stop quoting blue" I spat back. 

"I was stating the facts" he said pulling me closer to him as the rest of the student poured into the class. James and Jenna were dumbstruck and William was shooting daggers in our way.

"will you let me go now?" I ask "no I am good like this" he said making me struggle against him. "tell them we are not together" I said. 

"but we are baby girl you are mine is that simple" he said. "no I am not" I said. "yes you are and I can prove it to them" he said pressing his lips on mine.

 I hate this guy. He pulled back and smirked. "now they are definitely know you are off limits" he said kissing my cheek again making my eyes go wide.

It was lunch and somehow Ace had made sure that we have the same schedule. Rich kids have their own benefits and I am sure this is not one of them. Ace's name is enough to cower them in fear. I sat in my usual seat with James and Jenna and William. 

"so you and Ace" Jenna asked. "I am not with him" I said. "looks like that girl because he suddenly goes all lovey dovey with you because Ace never acts like that with anyone" James said. "so is it good?" I asked them. "

no Viv when Ace is a general bad news and when he acts like that it is worst thing" Jenna said. "why?" I asked. "because he want you and I do to and Ace get's everything he wants" William said bitterly.

"I will prove that we are not together and will I don't think we can ever work out this" I said. I got out of the cafeteria and tried to find Ace and he was vanished into thin air. 

Then I found the man in all his glory sitting beneath a tree and smoking joint with two other guys. They were in heated discussion. What did this guy got him into? I thought as I walked close to them. He looked up and his scowl turned into smirk.

 "Baby girl did you missed me?" he asked. "Yes I missed your black and blue abstract face" I said sarcastically. Both of his companions started to laugh.

"What do you want baby girl?" he asked scowling to his friends as he pulled me closer and buried his face into my hairs. His citrus chocolaty and smoky smell engulfed me. 

"Tell everyone now that we are not together" I said. "no can do baby girl because we are together" he said. "in your dreams bad boy" I said. 

"I don't need dreams when my reality is this beautiful" he said kissing my forehead and putting his hands on my waist possessively. I hate him. "these are my best buddies Reece and Cooper." He said pointing to the two guys in front of me.

"The gang's gonna love her" Reece said. "oh no, no, no I am not meeting anyone this had to end now Ace please I already had much on my plate." I said. 

"OK baby girl I will tell everyone we are not together if that you want but... I will make sure this lie become true one day and remember you only belong to me" he said giving me a sweet kiss then puling me along. 

We entered the cafeteria and everyone's eyes were on us. "attention guys I was just messing up with her she is not with me in any way but... she is my partner in crime because she is going to be my partner in the upcoming dancing competition." He said then picked me up and put me down from the table leaving me and another wonder-struck.

A/N: yeah, here it is next part of the story. Aren't they are cute. I love those two together. 

I was listening to the song I posted above while writing it. And who loves the playful Ace. I do. Don't you too?


until next time...

till then...

happy reading

And yes don't forget to

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