Chapter 2 - Unexpected interview

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Hands stood and picked Nuzzle up at the same time and leaned over and kissed Savory, "I know I cried but it was because seeing all of you relaxing reminded me of home. It was both sad and happy and the sad won. I am glad we came here and I am glad that both of you were relaxing as much as possible." He leaned over and rubbed Silky's nose with his for a moment, "I can even deal with cold wet noses in the morning." That got him a little growl though her tail was moving again.

He turned to get the winter robes and the other female already had them and she handed them over, "I wasn't sure if the pups were going with you so I grabbed their robes just in case."

Savory glanced at her sister and then Hands and shrugged, "I know that Silky would enjoy it and mom wouldn't mind since Hands and I would be with her. What do you think Hands?" She leaned against him and rubbed her head against his shoulder.

With a look down at Nuzzle he gave her a smile, "Well if my little sister wouldn't mind I would like her to come with. I had planned on leaving her here if she wanted and still will but I would love to have her come with." He reached over and stroked Silky's ears, "If she wants to come as well that is fine. I can create a harness to carry her from my suit if she wants."

Nuzzle wrapped his arms around his neck and lightly nuzzled him, "I's go with. My Hands needs me. I be good little sister." She sent a surge of love to him and Savory as she said it.

Both of them grinned at the feeling and Hands gave Nuzzle a good hug before putting her down. He took Nuzzle's robe from the woman and helped her into it. When he noticed, she had little booties on he had to snort since for some reason they looked like bunnies. They had little ears, little pink nose and whiskers on the toes, "I don't know why you chose rabbits but at least you didn't choose the killer bunny of Caerbanog." When they gave him a strange look he simply smirked at them.

Since Savory was helping Silky into her robes and made sure she had some boots on as well he pulled his robes on. Once Savory was done with Silky he helped her into her robes and with a slight grin a command to his robe. On the back it now had 'My Pack Mother' in large letters and an arrow pointing at Savory, "I will let you call for the air car and give it directions since I have no idea where to go."

When they reached the city center Hands took a deep breath and tightened his shields. With the tea still in him it was helping but he wasn't going to take any chances, "Well let's get this show on the road and see just how many girls and ladies go all goo-goo over me." He rolled his eyes and gave them a wry look.

Savory snorted at him as she climbed out, "Not taking any bet on that since I would lose. Come on Silky let's get out and watch all the fun." Just for good measure Savory checked to make sure that the little device on her wrist was working. It was a manual shield device that worked with their natural talents and ensured that her sister wouldn't broadcast. It would also limit what she received.

Hands hopped out and picked Nuzzle up out of the air car and set her down on the ground. Once he was sure that her robe was tidy he took her hand and stood up and looked around. He had his usual smile plastered on his face as he felt all kinds of interest in him. Thankfully this was a fairly small place and wasn't anything like Dawn of Hope. He gave everyone a polite nod and decided to remove the slogan on his back.

"Lead on Savory and I think a nice warm drink would be nice. Maybe something like a warm spice muffin as well." While he was waiting for her to make sure that Silky was ready he closed his eyes and lifted his nose. When he inhaled, his face softened slightly as the fresh scent of new fallen snow crossed his senses. There was also a resinous scent that reminded him of pine and evergreens, "Man it smells good here. Just from the scent alone I can feel myself starting to relax." He took in one more deep breath and his smile widened.

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