That evening Misty went in search of Dreamer. When she found him he was sitting next to River doing some drawings. She squatted down behind him and looked at what they were doing and smiled. He was doing something that looked like it might be at the pack property. River was doing some sort of mountain scene, "Dreamer do you have some time? I would like to talk to you about what Hands talked to us about."
He looked up and then leaned back against her, "I do Mist of Water and I can only hope that I can help. My Pack Father didn't say anything other than you would talk to me about it." He was worried since it sounded like a major responsibility and he could only hope that he did a good job.
Misty wrinkled her nose at him, "Dreamer call me Misty, silly pup. My full name sounds so formal and makes me look over my shoulder." Just to be silly she mock nipped at one of his ears in revenge, "If I was Folician I would probably attack your ears for that. I am going to go and soak for a while and if you two want to join me we can talk in one of the private pools." She didn't know how they did it but when the small pools were set too private all sound was blocked both in and out.
River and Dreamer glanced at each other and started picking up their things, "We will be out in a moment Misty." Dreamer finished gathering his things and once River had her things they trotted out of the house. They had been in the Pack Father's house but they were staying in the smaller house their pack used. Once they had their things put away both headed towards the hot springs.
When they found the one she was in both slipped into the water and Dreamer moved over and leaned against Misty. River settled next to him and leaned against him, "Have you heard anything about our Pack Father? I know he talked to Kythryn recently but I am really worried about him." That was especially true since Hands had been there with him when his mother had died.
Misty wrapped an arm around him and shook her head, "I haven't talked to him yet and wanted to give him a few days before I contacted him. I know that he wouldn't mind if you called Dreamer or even call Savory and ask. From his pack being checked up on would be simple concern. From us right now it could be seen by him as hovering. If you do call him, please let us know how he sounds." She had to look away and took a shaky breath after saying that.
Dreamer leaned into the hug and had to sniffle some himself, "Thank you Misty and we might do that this evening or tomorrow. I will make sure and let you know how he sounds. What did he want me to help you with?"
Misty was glad for the change of subject and stretched out a bit more in the water. She had adjusted the salts and minerals for a calm and relaxing scent, "Well, back on Earth we had a celebration called Christmas. It started out as a celebration of the birth of one of our Gods. Now it has changed some so that it represents a time for family to come together and celebrate. It is a time to reconnect, share memories, and give small gifts to each other. Usually there are some decorations to be put up and things like that. Hands felt it would be something positive for both packs."
Dreamer and River traded looks when Misty was done talking and both started smiling, "That sounds like it could be really fun." River blushed slightly when she spoke. She started nibbling on a knuckle as she was thinking and finally contacted Dreamer, *Dreamer I think this might be a really good thing for our pack to work on. Just the three of us won't be able to do it all. Why don't you ask Misty if Kythryn and maybe Zahria can come over and see what they think?*
Misty was watching the two and almost had to smile since the two had really hit it off. She had a feeling it was because, from what little she had seen, both pups marched to their own tune. No, she hadn't spent a great deal of time with either but both appeared to be really smart. Since they appeared to be talking via the implant she settled for just waiting while cuddling Dreamer.

The past is the future - Folician Chronicles 6
Fiksi IlmiahHas Ray, Hands, and the rest of their packs finally gotten a chance to relax? While Ray is in the past how is this going to impact with his present? Another question is why did the God of the Pack Fathers call Toes to his realm? How is Toes going...