Books in the Folician Chronicles series
Dog Got Your Tongue – Folician Chronicles 1
Homecoming – Folician Chronicles 2
The Temple – Folician Chronicles 3
We have to keep moving forward – Folician Chronicles 4
The Goddess and the Pack Lord – Folician Chronicles 5
The Past is the Future – Folician Chronicles 6
Dawn of Hope – Folician Chronicles 7
A Folician Christmas
The Terran Enclave – Klithian Chronicles 1
A New Balance – Life and Death – Klithian Chronicles 2 (in progress)
Sees Far could only stand there and stare at the other Folician for a few moments before he stared at the cave. Seeing another male wasn't nearly as interesting as how the cave was decorated. He had never seen anything like this place and was fascinated by the lovely colors and odd looking furs. It took him a short time to process what the other had said and he paled, "You are a what?" Sees' staggered back and had to brace a hand on the cave wall.
Ray managed not to laugh since he did understand Sees' reaction. He stood up and walked over to one side and poured a jeweled cup of something liquidy. He carried it over to Sees and offered it to him, "Take a drink and I am sure it will help. If nothing else, it should numb your mind enough for the shock to fade. Believe me the first time I was greeted by the Goddess I wish I had been given a good stiff drink of something."
Sees looked at the mug and took it and had to look at it since they didn't have anything like it. Their cups were made of either leaves or leather and not whatever this was. He sniffed the drink and jerked back since it smelled rather strange, "What are you trying to do, poison me? What is this stuff?" He sniffed at it again and gave it a strange look.
Ray frowned slightly and went and poured a cup as well and took a sip. When he did, his eyes bugged out and he had to cough, "Good Goddess that is strong." He had to wipe a tear from one eye, "It might seem like it but it isn't poison. It is a special drink from where I come from and in many cases used to deal with shocks like the one you are having. If you don't want it that is fine." He settled back down and waved at one of the seats, "Please have a seat and I will tell you who I am and some of why I am here."
Sees watched the other male take a sip and finally dipped his tongue in the drink and ended up coughing, "By the Pack Father how the hell can you handle this stuff? I can see how it would eliminate shock simply because you are dealing with the nasty taste." He shook his head and put the drink down before he slowly sat. When he did he had to feel the covering, and frowned, "What type of fur is this? I have never seen anything like it before."
He shrugged at Sees, "Acquired taste as much as anything, let me introduce myself. As I said my name is Rayfuso Johnson though I go by Ray. I am a pack father much like you and I am the pack father of the pack Johnson. For reasons I am not sure of I was sent here to you to teach you about the female you found." He let that hang as he took another sip of the Brandy and waited to see if Sees would bite. As far as the question about the material he ignored the question.
Sees let his nose and talents start working though his nose was having some problems. The drink of whatever it was had impacted on his sense of smell somewhat, "Before we talk about her tell me how or why you are here and where is here? What is this cave and this stuff?" He waved his hand at the room.

The past is the future - Folician Chronicles 6
FantascienzaHas Ray, Hands, and the rest of their packs finally gotten a chance to relax? While Ray is in the past how is this going to impact with his present? Another question is why did the God of the Pack Fathers call Toes to his realm? How is Toes going...