Chapter 9 - The official Interview

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When Dancer and Golden made it to the room Melody had set up for them Dancer was tired. Once the door closed she yawned and had to stretch, "I think I am only going to be good for some cuddling and then sleep Golden. I do appreciate the offer of spending some time together but not tonight." She felt rather grumpy about that since she did enjoy spending time with him. He was also a damn good looking male as well.

Golden waited for her to finish stretching before he removed her robe and wrapped his arms around her from behind, "Then relax Dancer and let me pamper you for the evening and morning is soon enough. There is a bath running and I think someone borrowed some of the Vanilla bath salts. I have instructions from the Pack Lord to take care of you and support you." He lightly ran his nose along her neck before lightly nibbling, "Just so you know he did also tell me that you won't have to worry about getting pregnant right now."

She leaned into his embrace and tilted her neck so he could have better access. When he lightly nibbled just below her ear Dancer relaxed even more. It felt good to have this type of attention even if nothing was going to happen at the moment. When he teased her about getting pregnant she tensed up and then snorted, "I can see how that would go over with the girls, me waddling around as I approached whelping time." From the open door to the bathroom she could smell the salts, "It does smell good doesn't it and a nice hot bath sounds more than lovely as well as some pampering."

With a slight laugh, she wiggled free of his arms and as she walked towards the bathroom withdrew her shorts and top, "Oh man that looks good. I know I have a bath tub in my rooms but it just isn't quite the same."

He laughed at her reaction and nibbled a bit more, "Oh I don't know I think you would look really good carrying my pups. It would show both the girls and the world that we value the need to bring forth the next generation. I have a feeling you are going to be seeing more Liraque becoming pregnant before they retire." Golden walked into the bathroom after her and withdrew his shorts, "I added just a hint of the musk of a Felar so that there are hints of both the masculine and feminine."

Golden settled into the water and as soon as Dancer settled in he pulled her back against his chest. Once she was settled comfortably he wrapped his arms around her and sent feelings of comfort to her. Now that she was actually leaning against him and starting to relax he could feel her tiredness. It wasn't like what he had felt from some of the others. It was a good tiredness and he could also smell a sense of accomplishment. Yes, overlaying that was a sense of concern and worry for her charges but this was what she really lived for.

After they had been relaxing there for some time he leaned forward and lightly nibbled on one of her ears, "Who has you most concerned about?" He was one of the few people she could completely be totally honest with. It was the same for him as well. Many of their concerns were not the type that should be made public. The same went with the temples in general and needed to be kept at the highest level.

She smiled as he nibbled but she could tell it was just to give her some attention. Later it might change but right now Golden knew that she needed to vent to her counterpart, "I have to admit the idea of pregnant practicing Liraque does concern me. It was something I have been putting to the side to contemplate and pray about later. Mind you I am not against the idea but assuming that we keep some sort of Harem going it will take them down for several years. During the pregnancy is one thing but once they deliver? It will give them divided loyalty and that is not good. Part of the trust our people have is that when accepted the Liraque is there only for that one person."

She felt bad saying that since it felt like she was denying them a basic Folician right – having a family, "If there were more Liraque it wouldn't be as bad but we simply don't have enough currently as is. Most people don't realize that the decline of our race is also impacting on the Liraque as well. I don't have enough to fill all the places I need them. I am torn since they are needed for our people but I hate their having to wait until later in life to have a family. Pack Mother Moves from Flower to Flower is the perfect example. She should be with her pack raising her pups. If she had been even a few years younger she would probably still be here." She finally paused for a moment.

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