When Dancer woke the next morning, she found that Golden was nibbling on the back of her neck and she could feel the start of an erection pressed against her backside. Just to be a stinker she growled at him, "And what pray tell are you doing back there? I do not remember you asking to nibble on me." She did shift her head slightly and a low pleased rumble could be heard coming from her chest.
Golden moved her hair from the side of her neck and lightly ran his tongue up the back of her ear, "Well I don't remember you saying no to my attentions so there. Besides your body had already told me that you are enjoying this." He started nibbling on her ear and his chest was rumbling as well.
Dancer felt her body starting to respond to Golden's touch and ministrations, "Well now that I am awake I give you retroactive permission to nibble, suck, lick, and play to your heart's content." She rolled over so she was facing him and wrapped a hand around his head and pulled him into a kiss. For a brief moment, she wondered what a human kiss was like. That thought didn't last very long though as she ran the tip of her tongue across his muzzle, "Thank you for everything Golden and it does feel good."
He leaned into the kiss and as she was rolling over he let his fingers trace across her skin. She was somewhat meatier than a normal Folician but he greatly enjoyed her body, "Just something to think about Dancer, you might consider having a pup of your own sooner than later." She truly did need to think about it since if she didn't he had a feeling the Goddess would be having a talk with her much like the Pack Lord had with him. When she pressed her muzzle against his he slipped the tip of his tongue out and urged her lips apart. Once they were he let his tongue play across her teeth.
She was starting to feel more than a bit interested and returned the touching. When he mentioned her considering having a pup she sighed, "That is a good idea but I think it can wait until I am in heat. Right now would'nt be a good time for me to deal with that. I know it is easy to say I have too much on my plate but at the moment I do have too much to do." When he slipped his tongue into her muzzle she returned the favor and enjoyed the feel of his larger canines.
Golden had to smile at her when she started reacting to his ministrations. After they had played tonsil hockey for several minutes he moved his muzzle to the side of her face. He slipped his tongue out and started small gentle licks alongside her muzzle and whiskers. As he was lightly licking her face he was occasionally nibbling on her lips as well. The more he played the more he could feel her reacting to his attentions.
Dancer let her hands start roaming since at the moment he was focusing on her face and she couldn't return the favor. Instead she was stroking his upper body with light touches. Her fingers were finding his sensitive spots and almost delicately touching with a stroke before moving on. As she was doing this she could feel his arousal getting stronger. His nipples were also getting harder and tenser.
*God don't stop please my special lady. This feels so good and with you it is always special. When you do go into heat I do want to have some pups with you.* He could feel his penis getting harder and longer though he had a ways to go before his knot formed. That was one advantage of who he was, he had excellent control of his body. He slowly moved down her face and started working on her neck. Golden had reviewed the notes on how humans made love and had to wonder why they didn't seem to use their tongue as much. That and the nips, most Folicians enjoyed the licking and nipping while playing.
She lifted her chin for better access, *If that is what our god and goddess wants then so be it. I will schedule time with you when I do come into heat. I do believe Thyra is planning on that when she goes into heat. She indicated she is going to go to Ray or Gerdal and wants pups.* She groaned as he was licking and nipping down her face and neck. She could feel the fire most definitely starting in her lower abdomen and her fur was starting to get damp with her arousal.

The past is the future - Folician Chronicles 6
Science FictionHas Ray, Hands, and the rest of their packs finally gotten a chance to relax? While Ray is in the past how is this going to impact with his present? Another question is why did the God of the Pack Fathers call Toes to his realm? How is Toes going...