Ray was still deep in his meditation as he gave Sees privacy to deal with Val and start interacting with her. He might have said that he was doing this also to keep Sees from picking up some of his knowledge but that was a lie. Some of it was he was missing his Pack and family. Seeing how relaxed and comfortable the Pack Sees was part of also brought him a great deal of sorrow. When he and his future Pack had arrived, everything had been so good. The females were having their pups, his siblings were settling in, and all was good.
He really didn't blame the Goddess for what had happened to them for the most part. The only thing he still occasionally had problems with was her calling Flitter back to the fold. From that point, everything started to go downhill for everyone. There were good times such as Hands forming a pack, forging stronger links with the temple, and yes, the Goddess. Ray knew they were being tested and when they came out the other end of the tunnel they would be stronger. He just wanted to reach the end of the tunnel.
When the location he was in changed, he didn't realize it for some time, when he did the first indication was the flowers. His breathing was very slow so it took him several breaths before he started noticing the perfume. As it slowly penetrated his senses he took a deep breath and his eyes popped open.
The Goddess had been feeling very lonely since she had been forced to come back and leave him in the past. Currently she was curled up on a low recliner and was feeling very depressed. She understood that Ray was doing something very important but she wanted him there. Even as a Goddess she felt emotions and now there were a few tears slowly flowing down her face. Since she wasn't focusing on her world at the moment the slow increase in Ray's presence wasn't noticed. When she finally did notice was when he took a deep breath and his eyes popped open. His expression was indescribable and she couldn't help but giggle at him.
Ray was most definitely shocked when he opened his eyes and found himself in her garden. His eyes traveled around until he found her and he could tell she wasn't happy. Before he moved a quiet voice came into his mind, *Give the mother of your pup the attention she needs. Spend time with her, give her your love, and don't worry about the past or your pack. All are doing as best possible.* Ray didn't recognize the voice and quickly decided not to worry about it. He stood and moved over to the recliner and squatted down and cupped one cheek, "Hey milady, I am sorry I wasn't here for you the entire time. I was missing spending this time with you as well."
She looked at him as he squatted down and cupped her cheek. When he did she didn't even think, and rubbed her face against it. When she did she could both feel his warmth, and tell that he was there. This wasn't a dream in any way and she was so pleased, "Thank you Ray, I don't know how you ended up here but I am not going to question it." Even if she was one of the four primary forces which controlled the Folician's there were other powers in existence as well. In this case, she wasn't even going to worry about it. She sat up and opened her arms to him.
Ray had a very pleased smile on his face, when she sat up it was obvious she was several months pregnant. Ray settled down next to her and wrapped his arms around her as she wrapped hers around him. He felt her lean against him and started inhaling his scent. As she was doing that he slipped one hand down so it was resting on her baby bump, "You look so beautiful milady. I feel silly saying it but pregnancy looks good on you." He shifted his face until he was facing her and gave her a slow relaxed kiss. As he started to draw back he couldn't resist nibbling on her lower lip.
The Goddess was enjoying his scent. It wasn't as strong as the Pack Lord obviously but it was uniquely Ray. When he lowered his hand to her abdomen she smiled since the baby kicked. She had been told what she was to do with the baby after she delivered. It had made her sad to give her up but it was the way of the Wheel of Life. If the child stayed with her he or she would grow up to be a god or goddess and that would cause problems, "Thank you Ray and I do enjoy being pregnant. It isn't something which happens very often for various reasons but I do enjoy it." When he kissed her, she leaned into it and then had to growl when he nibbled her lower lip, "You are going to get it for that Pack Father. You should know better than to tease a hormonal pregnant female by now."

The past is the future - Folician Chronicles 6
Science FictionHas Ray, Hands, and the rest of their packs finally gotten a chance to relax? While Ray is in the past how is this going to impact with his present? Another question is why did the God of the Pack Fathers call Toes to his realm? How is Toes going...