Kythryn had contacted Hands and Savory while she had been sitting on Gerdal's lap before Morning Sun showed up. As soon as Savory suggested making some drinks and getting some snacks together she slid off his lap to take care of that. By the time Morning had arrived she had the drinks and snacks pretty much in order.
After getting the hug and serving Morning she stepped back and spoke, "I briefly contacted the Pack Mother and Father and they will contact you later today if you wish. Send them a contact request and when would be a good time and they will call back. Right now, they are sleeping or will be shortly." Once she had informed her of that she settled back in Gerdal's lap.
Morning smiled at Kythryn, "You didn't need to contact them since I know they are at her Dame's place to recover but thank you for letting me know. I don't expect to need to talk to them and plan on letting them simply relax and recover." She hadn't wanted those two involved and felt bad for having Kyth contact them.
She turned towards Gentle and gave her a good look, "I don't plan on staying all that long since I don't want to cause you any more stress than you are already under. Mostly I came to say hello and offer any help I can. That can be as simple as a shoulder to lean on, listen to your concern and worries, and offer suggestions." She took a sip of the coffee and eyeballed the cup, "Interesting flavor, I have some of the tea from Earth which I have been enjoying. Coffee isn't something I have tried yet and I am going to have to pick up some."
Gentle was relaxing with Zantha and was listening to what Morning Sun was saying. For now, she was going to be careful until she had a better feel for the woman but she seemed to be real, "If you would like to stay for lunch please do but don't feel you have to. I do appreciate your coming to say hello and check to see how we are doing. I wish I had some questions for you but to be honest I am struggling to deal with all that has happened." She sighed and looked down at her hands for a few moments.
"We need time to relax and recover. We are worried about Ray not to mention Hands and his pack." Damn it she was starting to get tense again and when Zantha wrapped an arm around her and held her leaned into her, "It has been miserable and very stressful. All of us need time away from everything..."
Right about then Misty walked into the house since she hadn't realized that they were having a meeting. Gentle hadn't expected her to be home since she had Skye and Sunny at the temple so she hadn't sent her an e-mail about it. Misty looked around and froze for a moment, "I am sorry to intrude if I am. I was just coming to check in with Gentle. I can come back later if you wish."
Gentle smiled at Misty and since Sunny wasn't with her she figured the pup had gone to find her mother, "Please come in Misty and relax." She held her arms out since she had a feeling Misty needed a good hug.
Misty wavered for a moment before she moved over too Gentle and settled down in her lap. She leaned into the taller woman and the strain showed on her face. Tears started and she tucked her face into Gentle's shoulder, *Sorry but...* She couldn't continue. She felt horrible for interrupting the meeting but she needed her Pack Mother's touch and hug.
"It's okay Misty, just relax and cry as needed. I understand and so does everyone else in the room." Gentle told her and looked at Morning Sun, "This is one of the reasons the pack has been called home so to speak. It is hard enough for those of us who are adults but for the pups and especially Hands pack it has been horrible." As she was speaking Zantha was stroking Misty's back.
Zantha, she was already leaning against Gentle, rested a hand on Misty and started softly stroking her, *I am here as well Misty, come to me later and I will comfort you.* It made her hurt since the pack was so tense and was struggling with what had happened over the last few months.

The past is the future - Folician Chronicles 6
Science FictionHas Ray, Hands, and the rest of their packs finally gotten a chance to relax? While Ray is in the past how is this going to impact with his present? Another question is why did the God of the Pack Fathers call Toes to his realm? How is Toes going...