He started laughing, "Today when I was talking to Dancer, I mean the Temple Mother. I guess the Pack Lord does have a sense of humor. Not sure what I am going to be doing but I am now a Pack Father. So may I come in?" He grinned down at her.
She had to growl at him for his teasing and smacked him on the chest, "If you keep being a stinker I might leave you out here in the cold." Misty did turn and walk into the house and the usual greeting party was there.
"Toes I would like to introduce you to the Pack Matriarchs, Vyra and Kythryn, Daisy and Aqua who are Vyra's and Spike's Liraque. This is our Pack Mother Gentle and her Liraque Zantha, and our token male Gerdal." Just for good measure she gave Gerdal a wink. She turned to the others, "Everyone, it is my pleasure to introduce you to the new Pack Father Fertile Fields who goes by Toes. I will leave you be and get the others settled in."
Gentle stood up and walked over to Toes and gave him a good hug, "Thank you for taking the time to bring Misty's friends over. I think it will be good for her." She had to force herself to move back from him. He was a pack father and though he wasn't Ray he radiated the draw much as Ray did. She didn't desire him the way she did Ray since he wasn't pack but she could use a good hug and relaxing next to him, "Please have a seat Pack Father and would you like something to eat or drink?"
He sighed when she forced herself back and looked at her, "Please call me Toes, I just became a Pack Father today and being called that makes me look over my shoulder." A wry grin crossed his face when he said that. He moved over towards the couch Gentle had been on and settled down, "Actually yes please since I was dealing with a Harem issue. I didn't get a chance to eat before we came over."
Toes lightly nibbled on one of his claws, "I have something I wish to talk to you about. It is your decision on what actually happens." He couldn't help but blush some since he felt really strange going from just a Harem male to a Pack Father. He wasn't sure what to do about Kythryn though since she was a temple sister as well as a matriarch.
Vyra tilted her head and gave him a slight nod, "Toes, since you don't mind my calling you that, just say what you need. We are a fairly relaxed pack since we had to bring Ray up to speed and it is how he is." She already had an ale that she was sipping on so she didn't bother asking for anything. The others were much the same.
Toes took some time to figure out the best way to approach the subject. He finally took Vyra at her word, "Vyra I came over specifically to ask if you and your Pack might find it useful to have me spend some time here. Not for anything other than comfort." He had to blush at that.
Gerdal couldn't help but smile at the younger male, "But you might not say no to a bit of fun if someone asked, right?" He and Dusty had talked about it and there had been a few pack members who had spent time with him. She was still the most important to him and he did have plans for the two of them.
Toes even blushed more but returned the grin, "That would be something I would consider later." His face became more serious, "My main reason for being here is I know how stressed both Misty and Skye have been. From here I can sense how stressed Kythryn is as well. I like Misty and Skye since they were willing to come to the Harem. I could feel just how worried Misty was about Hands. When I was blessed with my new status I decided to come over and offer comfort." He looked slightly frustrated since that wasn't how he wanted to put it, "I don't really know how to explain it. In no way do I want to come across as trying to replace Ray but I feel that being here would be the right thing. Until he comes back from what the Pack Lord has him doing I want to offer what I can to help."
He looked down at his hands. Now that he was here what had originally sounded like a good idea sounded rather lame. He really had no idea why he had come over. He was now a pack father but that wasn't how he had grown up. He had a position of authority in the Harem but it wasn't anything like being a Pack Father. Now he felt like he had been way to presumptuous coming here offering help.

The past is the future - Folician Chronicles 6
Science FictionHas Ray, Hands, and the rest of their packs finally gotten a chance to relax? While Ray is in the past how is this going to impact with his present? Another question is why did the God of the Pack Fathers call Toes to his realm? How is Toes going...