Chapter 4 - Toes deals with Singer

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Toes was taking slow deep breaths as well though in his case it was to contain his anger. He was feeling impacted by her emotions and really wanted to go and break something. Better yet break someone in half for what had been done to this poor young woman. After sitting down with her he felt her collapse and almost panicked before he realized she was starting to sleep.

Dancer led Thunder over to a different couch and settled down, "I am sorry you had to see that Thunder but I needed to deal with it and also both of your upcoming heats. Toes is a new Liraque Pack Father and I asked him to talk to both of you. He is going to talk to you later when Singer wakes up but it is his job to ensure your first heat is enjoyable. That doesn't mean he will be taking care of you so much as finding a good match for you. Now relax and let us wait for her to wake up before we continue this conversation."

When Singer finally fell asleep on his lap Toes shifted her slightly so that she would be more comfortable. He made sure to keep her muzzle tucked into his neck as he moved her. Once he felt she was comfortable he looked over at the other two, "I think she has fallen asleep and from the feel of it she is going to be asleep for a while. Do you want me to stay here or where do you want me to take her?" He was keeping his voice low and quiet as he was talking.

That was very hard since he was still more than angry about what Dancer had told him. When Thunder looked at him he gave her a nice smile, "If you would like to sit down we can talk for a few minutes and get to know each other. As I am sure you know I am in the Temple Harem though I recently had a change of position." He had to grin at Dancers snort of amusement.

Thunder looked at him as he was comforting Singer but was still holding onto Dancer. When she looked at Dancer the Temple Mother smiled, "If you want to sit down and talk to him please do. It might be better for you to talk to Pack Father Toes before Singer wakes up. He is going to need to know and since you are the closest to her you would have more information than I do." She kept an arm around the young woman as she urged her over to the other couch. She sat down on the other side of Thunder so she was between Dancer and Toes.

Toes looked over at Thunder and gave her a warm smile, "Please relax Thunder and we will just talk. I know this can be a very scary time for young females. One of my jobs is to ensure young females coming into their first heat are matched up with the right male. I like to think I am pretty good at the job and being totally honest with you when it comes time you will be fine." He wrapped an arm around her though he didn't urge her to lean against him.

Thunder couldn't help but lower her ears and blush. This was all natural and normal but that didn't mean it wasn't somewhat scary. She could smell him and his scent reminded her of Ray and to a lesser extent Hands. When he rested his arm on her shoulders she did tense up before relaxing. So far, he wasn't what she had imagined which was nice but she was still nervous being next to him, "Thank you for trying to help Singer. I didn't realize this was her first time, actually none of us did. We all thought she was an adult and she hadn't said anything to change our feelings. I have been trying to help her relax and start to open up."

Dancer simply sipped on her tea and watched Toes deal with Thunder. She had read the reviews of his but that didn't mean they were totally unbiased. She, much like Thyra, was hands on when it came to her job. Until she knew more of the staff she was going to be spending a great deal of time watching them. It was more work for her but in the long run she felt it gave her a better feel for the running of the temple.

Toes could tell that she was both nervous being next to him and upset because she didn't feel she hadn't done well enough, "I can't imagine how hard it is for you to try and deal with this. It won't mean much but as of now but I am proud of you. It shows that you will make a good Liraque because you care. In your words, what do you think her problems are? I am asking about anything be it related to her heat or just in general. If you don't feel comfortable telling me something say so." He was keeping his voice relaxed as he was talking, "Would you like some tea? I am sure Dancer has some People bones as well."

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