Ancient Entity

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"And that's it." Van Gogh said gesturing out to the small room with white washed walls unbelievable small bed which you couldn't possibly lay on because of the paintings on it.

"It's pretty." Anne-Marie said putting a smile on her face.

"Thank you my dear. I make do." Van Gogh replied getting back to his work. "I'm almost finished." he muttered quickly painting. The Doctor was studying the painting. He had seen it so many times before but it looked.. Different. The swirling yellow stars had a different quality to them. They looked almost familiar.

"Van Gogh old pal tell me. Where did you get the inspiration for these stars." the Doctor said pointing toward the still wet paint. Van Gogh didn't reply just kept painting away adding another star to the collection of them in the sky. "Van Gogh." the Doctor said again coming around the easel to look at the painter's face. Van Gogh's eyes which were usually green were milky white. Gone was the color like a great fog had flown in front and covered up his iris. "Van Gogh." the Doctor repeated trying to disrupt his concentration. Van Gogh blinked and when he opened his eyes again the iris were back.

"Where are my manners!" Van Gogh shouted jumping up.

"Here sit, sit." Van Gogh said picking up paintings from his bed and staking them on top of others on the floor. A Particular one caught the Doctor's eye. He pulled it out of Van Gogh's hand. "Ah that. That is not one of my finest." Van Gogh said trying to take it back.

"I've never seen it before." Anne-Marie murmured to the Doctor.

"Oh you haven't? Doctor wasn't it in that gallery you once took me too?" Van Gogh asked.

"You took him to a gallery?" Anne-Marie asked looking at the Doctor confused.

"Yeah we met a while back." the Doctor replied staring hard at the painting. What was it?! He knew it.

"So that's why we're meeting him late. You don't want to cross your time line." Anne-Marie said staring at the painting quizzically.

"Yeah yeah." the Doctor murmured barely listening. The Doctor squinted and looked harder. then he backed up and almost dropped the painting. "No. No." he muttered.

"Doctor." Anne-Marie said sounding scared. "Impossible." the Doctor said touching his forehead with his hand. 

"Where did you see this?" the Doctor shouted at Van Gogh.

"Why i.. I just.. I don't know." Van Gogh said baffled.

"Where!" the Doctor shouted.

"I.. I just.." Van Gogh stammered. Then he straightened getting that glazed look in his eyes, his iris disappearing. He turned back to the painting of the Starry Night and got back to work.

"Doctor what was that?" Anne-Marie asked her voice shaking.

"This is bad. Really really bad." the Doctor murmured. "We have to go. We have to go now." the Doctor said grabbing Anne-Marie's hand and heading for the door. He threw it open but Anne-Marie pulled back.

"No. We have to help him whatever this is Doctor. This isn't like you stop." Anne-Marie said as he kept walking out the door. "Doctor!" Anne-Marie said loudly and more sternly as he stepped into the hallway. The Doctor with a sigh turned around and walked right up to me. She was tall this time like the last. No longer a little girl. But he was still popping in and out of her time stream. Meeting in no particular order.

"Listen to me Anne-Marie." the Doctor said cupping her face in his hands.

"This is old. Older than me. Older than anything. They're race died and it has to stay dead. What's happening now could bring them all back and if it does. It'll be the end, of everything. Believe me when i say we have to get out of here. I'm sorry but we have to leave." the Doctor said looking deep into her eyes trying to make her understand.

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