Across the River

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Anne-Marie gasped and Van Gogh fell opening his eyes and clutching his stomach. "What the hell was that! Why would you do that! Who are you!" Anne-Marie screamed. The Doctor looked at the nurse nervously who nodded toward him. "Doctor! What did you do!" Anne-Marie shouted noticing the exchange. Van Gogh sputtered gasping for air and groaning loudly. Anne-Marie got up of the ground blood staining her hands. "Who is that!" she shouted. Not waiting for the Doctor to answer she stormed toward the Nurse slapping the gun out of her hands. "Who. Are. You." she asked through her teeth clenching her fists so tightly they were turning white. The Nurse didn't reply but Anne-Marie saw it in her eyes. "You called the damn Teselecta!" Anne-Marie shouted walking back towards the Doctor.

"I didn't call them. They were already here." the Doctor said slowly in a calm soothing voice.

"Why did you kill him! You guys are suppose to kill criminals! Since when is Van Gogh a criminal!" Anne-Marie shouted back at the nurse.

"He is in league with the Acnophere." the Teselecta answers in a cool calm voice.

"To hell with that. He was being controlled by them Or used by them! He's not in league with them! How could he have been in league with them!"Anne-Marie shouts again getting angrier by the minute.

"Controlled, in league with. There is no difference. What matters is he was the their life line and we cut it." the Teselecta responds formally.

"What matters. Is that you just killed the greatest painter in History." Anne-Marie said the disappoint in her voice clear as she looked back at the Doctor.

"Anne-Marie." a voice called out. She rushed to Van Gogh's side.

"Please Doctor. Please help him." she begged tears beginning to form in her eyes. The Doctor bent down next to Anne-Marie who was pressing her hands on Van Gogh's wound to try to stop the flow of blood. The Teselecta slowly picked up the gun and slinked away changing form as it went.

"No, stop." the painter said reaching out with a bloody hand to stop the Doctor's hands.

"We're just trying to help." Anne-Marie said taking his hand in her's.

"It.. Is my life my dear. And while your help.. Is much appreciated. Something tells me... It is my time to go." Van Gogh said taking large breaths as his lips formed the words.

"It doesn't have to be." Anne-Marie said trying to smile. Van Gogh shook his head.

"Please just take me to.. The Inn." Van Gogh said hand wavering as he pointed up at his room. Anne-Marie and the Doctor nodded. They heaved him up and they all began to move toward the Inn. "Wait." Van Gogh whispered before reaching the door.

"What is it?" Anne-Marie asked looking up at him curiously.

"I don't want you to come and watch me die." Van Gogh said not meeting their eyes but instead staring at the glowing candle in the window.

"It's fine Van Gogh I.." but the painter cut her off.

"No. I wish.." he paused. "To go on alone.. Please." Anne-Marie opened her mouth to argue but stopped. How could she refuse Van Gogh's dying wish.

"Alright." she siad slowly breathing out a sigh and trying not to cry. Anne-Marie hugged him a small one and the Doctor patted his shoulder grimly.

"I'll miss you Van Gogh." the Doctor said earnestly.

"I know you will." Van Gogh replied with a smile. Then the painter boldly stepped through the Inn door clutching his stomach and mumbling about monsters. Anne-Marie and the Doctor watched him go silently. They watched as the innkeepers and their daughter rushed to Van Gogh's side but Van Gogh just waved them away and began to climb the stairs. The Doctor turned to find Anne-Marie gone.

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