Pt 2: Saving Lieutenant Parker

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Anne-Marie wakes the next day and takes a quick shower in her adjoining bathroom. She had never done such a thing in the Tardis. She didn't even know the Tardis had running water. Her adventures usually never lasted more than a day and when they had they slept in houses, barns, the occasional street. Or they didn't sleep at all. This was a first for Anne-Marie. It was exciting. She bumped into the Doctor on her way out. His hair was wet like he too had just showered. "Hey!" Anne-Marie said happily.

"You're rather chipper this morning." the Doctor comments. Anne-Marie shrugs.

"It's a new day." she replies with a smile that makes the Doctor's stomach churn. Is she happy because of Lieutenant Parker? Is she excited to see him.

Hold it together Doctor!

Oh shut up.

Make me.

"Did you take a shower?" Anne-Marie asks running a hand through the wet strands of her hair.

"Yes, I'm a Timelord not a barbarian. We shower." Anne-Marie laughs.

"I don't know it's so.. Normal.. I guess I don't expect normal from you." Anne-Marie shrugs her shoulders.

"Me? Un-normal? Why I'm the most normal person out there." Anne-Marie laughs and shakes her head.

"But that's just it. You're not a person you're a Timelord." The Doctor smiles as Anne-Marie laughs again.

"So what is the plan for today?" the Doctor asks Anne-Marie snorts and give him a strange look.

"You're usually the man with the plan." Anne-Marie responds. The Doctor shrugs.

"Well the man with the plan would like to leave here but..." Anne-Marie cuts in,

"I want to stay here." the Doctor smiles and nods.

"Exactly, so, what now Almund?" Anne-Marie purses her lips and walks over toward the Doctor.

"I don't know. I guess we'll just have to see right? Who knows what will happen today." Anne-Marie loops her arm through the Doctors and leads him toward the Tardis door when an explosion almost knocks them off their feet. "Wh-what is happening?" Anne-Marie asks worry in her voice as she stumbles toward the bars on the stairs.

"Let's find out." the Doctor replies launching himself toward the Tardis doors and pushing them open. Outside a battle is raging. Wounded and injured already lie on the ground, blood pooling out around them. Men are shouting as bombs whiz past and explode nearby. "They've found the camp." the Doctor whispers. "They've found the camp!" he shouts at Anne-Marie still clutching to the railing.

"What!" Anne-Marie exclaims.

"Well we weren't too far form the battlefield." the Doctor shrugs running over to the controls.

"Wait! What are you doing! Stop!" Anne-Marie shouts as he begins to start up the Tardis.

"We have to leave. Right now." the Doctor tells her.

"No! We're not leaving! Doctor!" Anne-Marie shouts stopping the motions of his hands. "We have to help them! We have to.." the Doctor cuts her off.

"Listen to me. It's dangerous out there. I can't have you dying on me. Okay? It's not safe. There's another Doctor out there and he can help. We can't. Now we have too..." Anne-Marie stops him again.

"Doctor it's dangerous everywhere." the Doctor lifts his eyes to look at her. "If you wanted me safe you would stop taking me places! You wouldn't take me through space and time to battle monsters or live in the past. There's danger everywhere you go. Everywhere you and your companions go!" the Doctor knows she's right but he won't admit it. "Please. Trust me on this that i will not die here. I do not plan on dying nearly 1117 years before I'm even born!" Anne-Marie says with a smile. 1117 years? What time period is Anne-Marie from. The Doctor wondered. He tried to recall the date he landed in but couldn't put a finger on it.

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