Rescue Mission

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"This is a really bad idea." Anne-Marie tells the Doctor as he runs around trying to catch one of the roaming animals.

"They did it in the movie!" the Doctor shouts back managing to catch one.

"In the movie! Not in real life Doctor!" Anne-Marie shouts as he proceeds to hop onto the beast and not fall over. "We're wasting time." Anne-Marie says.

"Yeah we are. Get your.. Thingy and let's go." the Doctor says with a smile wobbling a little and gripping tight to the animals neck. Anne-Marie sighs heavily and puts two fingers in her mouth before whistling. The sound bounces off some small hills and echoes down the valley. A couple of the animals come running and Anne-Marie hops on easily. "How did you do that?" Anne-Marie shrugs.

"A lot of things respond when you whistle for them. Figured i would test it out." Anne-Marie says with a smile.

"Okay so which way.." the Doctor interrupts her by shouting,

"That way!" the animals seem to understand and take off running in the direction the Doctor points. They both hold on for dear life as the animals run at top speed toward the sound of the roar.

"Are we even going the right way!" Anne-Marie shouts toward the Doctor.

"I don't know!" he replies honestly. Anne-Marie sends him a look and the Doctor merely shrugs as they continue to race across the snowy bank. After a couple minutes of chilling silence they hear another roar and the Doctor and Anne-Marie share a look.

"That way!" Anne-Marie shouts pointing off to her right. The animals make some kind of noise and head in the very direction Anne-Marie pointed out.

"Very well trained these things!" the Doctor calls out. Anne-Marie laughs and the sound shoots out around them and makes the Doctor smile.

"Look! A cave.." Anne-Marie pauses, all amusement gone when she remembers what happened in a very cave just like that. "Oh no." Anne-Marie says shaking her head.

"Oh yes!" the Doctor shouts over joyed. Anne-Marie rolls her eyes. Leave it to the Doctor to be thrilled over a giant frost monster. As they near the giant cave the creatures they're riding grow anxious and kick at the dirt before stopping a good twenty yards away from it.

"I don't think they want to get any closer." Anne-Marie says beginning to slide off of it. Anne-Marie cringes and waves her hand in front of her face like she just caught a whiff of something foul smelling. "They actually do stink." Anne-Marie says plugging her nose. The Doctor, unwittingly, takes in a deep breathe before coughing and waving his hand in font of his face.

"Oh yeah they do." the Doctor replies plugging his nose as well and downing a funny voice which Anne-Marie laughs at. The creatures scurry off then and emit some sort of noise as they run far, far away.

"Well, I guess it's just us. How are we suppose to defeat it?" Anne-Marie asks glancing up at the opening of the cave as they begin to walk.

"Well how did Luke do it in the movies." Anne-Marie taps her chin thinking.

"Well he had a lightsaber first of all. All we have is a sonic screw driver." Anne-Marie shrugs her coat crinkling as she does.

"A sonic screwdriver is just as good as any lightsaber." the Doctor argues.

"Unless it can disable huge monsters I'm not feeling to confident about it." Anne-Marie teases.

"Oh shut up." the Doctor grumbles pulling it out now and examining it. Anne-Marie sighs as they reach the entrance.

"I don't want to go in." she says unhappily sticking out her bottom lip.

"Don't be scared." the Doctor says in an attempt to comfort her.

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