Roses and Such

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"Doctor." Anne-Marie said lightly tugging on the sleve of his jacket.

"Yes. Right. Home." he muttered spinning around back toward the front door.

"Doctor.." Anne-Marie repeated jogging to catch up to him.

"Have to get the Tardis bring you back home." the Doctor muttered under his breathe.

"Doctor!" Anne-Marie said exasperated, grabbing his arm. The Doctor looked at her with his big sad eyes. "You'll see her again." Anne-Marie said softly.

"Well maybe i shouldn't." the Doctor replied a bit harshly turning away from her.

"Doctor! She's your wife! You have to want to see her again!" Anne-Marie insisted. This made the Doctor turn around and get all up in Anne-Marie's face.

"How much do you know?" the Doctor questioned.

"Only what you've told me and what I've picked up." Anne-Marie squeaked clearly afraid. She'd seen the Doctor angry and upset but this was worse because it was directed at her. The Doctor looked her up and down before backing away, turning around and continuing his angry march. Anne-Marie breathed out and ran to catch up to him before the heavy doors of the temple closed behind him. She made it just in time to slip through them easily. They banged shut behind her but the Doctor never slowed down to make sure she was following. Anne-Marie rolled her eyes. It's just a little tantrum. She told herself. Nothing to worry about. Or so she hoped. The Doctor stood at the center of the Tardis waiting for her. Fists closed tight as he leaned over the controls.

"So. Queen of the Amazons." He said brightly spinning around and smiling at Anne-Marie. Anne-Marie smiled. There was the Doctor she knew and loved.

"I guess so." Anne-Marie replied with a shrug of her shoulders a wide smile on her face.

"You're going to have to start treating me better now." Anne-Marie teased, as if she were scolding a child.

"I don't already?" The Doctor asked. Anne-Marie laughed and sat down on the steps near the door.

"Just take me home Doctor. It's been a long day." The Doctor smiled.

"Home it is then." He smiled flipping a switch as he walked around the Tardis control panel. "And here.. We.. Go!" The Doctor shouted turning dials and pushing one last button with a flourish. Anne-Marie laughed as they hurtled through time and space back to her home. Anne-Marie sighed and stood up as the Tardis groaned and shook with its landing.

"The time?" Anne-Marie asked walking over to the Doctor.

"10:47" Anne-Marie nodded.

"Good. I still have a full day ahead of me!" She smiled and opened her arms to hug the Doctor who smiled as well. The Doctor wrapped his arms around her tightly and squeezed. Not to hard but just enough. "You okay?" Anne-Marie asked sensing his fear and doubt. The Doctor pulled back putting her at arms length.

"Nothing Almund. Just the last time I saw you... You..." The Doctor hesitated.

"Something happen that I'll hate you for later?" She asked lightly. The Doctor opened his mouth but closed it and slowly nodded. Anne-Marie punched him. Hard. The Doctor, in shock, clutched his arm and shouted

"What was that!" Anne-Marie laughed.

"That's for later. Remember the pain." She said pointing at him as she laughed walking toward the house. "Bye Doctor." Anne-Marie called before slipping inside.

Anne-Marie watched from the window as the Doctor spun around and headed back toward the Tardis with a smile on his face. With a sigh Anne-Marie turned around at the sound of the Tardis disappearing. Watching her beloved Doctor slip away was one of the hardest things to do and yet Anne-Marie watches it happen all the time. Anne-Marie has never understood why the Doctor not only comes out of order but never stays for very long. He always shows up at the most random of times takes Anne-Marie on a wild adventure and then... He's gone. Just like that. Always the same thing. Anne-Marie sighs as she flops down onto her bed. It had been months since she last saw him. It seemed he had always been around when she was younger but now.. He was slipping out of her grasp more and more with each passing day. The Doctor leaned over the consul of his Tardis and drummed his fingers along the edge of the panel.

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