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"Fairies." Anne-Marie whispers as the little figure in front of her dances and blows small kisses before flying away to join her fellow fairies.

"Yes. Isn't it exciting!" the Doctor whisper shouts grabbing Anne-Marie's shoulders and shaking her lightly. Anne-Marie nods as a smile expands across her face.

"This is incredible." Anne-Marie whispers back.

"Well come on Let's join them." The Doctor takes Anne-Marie's small hand in his and the run out of the Tardis and into the forest where the faeries begin to dance and sing around them. Suddenly Anne-Marie gets the uncontrollable urge to dance along with them.

"Why do i want to dance Doctor?" she asks spinning around to look at him. Anne-Marie finds the Doctor also fighting the urge to twirl around in place.

"It's their singing. Makes you want to dance." as soon as the words fell from his lips they both began to dance. Twirling their arms, dipping low, jumping high. Like professional dancers they moved. Every action graceful, every move precise. Unknown to them though, the faeries had a plan. Every step led them deeper and deeper into the forest and farther and farther away from their beloved Tardis. When the singing finally stopped they were completely and utterly lost. With a final bow Anne-Marie and the Doctor raised their heads and looked at the bouncing shimmering lights before them. Anne-Marie's smile faltered. "Doctor where is the Tardis?" she asked turning this way and that trying to find it like it might magically reappear.

"Why it's right..." the Doctor pauses as he twists and turns unable to find it as well. "Oh well I.." he is cut off by a loud voice.

"Greetings! Timelord and Human. Strange combination i might say." Anne-Marie tried to pinpoint the direction from which the voice came but could not. "Allow me." the voice said sensing their slight distress. The Doctor and Anne-Marie got this strange sense that everything inside them was being pushed together. Everything becoming smaller and the ground getting closer.

"Doctor! What's happening!" Anne-Marie exclaimed in shock.

"They're shrinking us. Hold on!" the Doctor replied with a bit of glee in his voice. Suddenly they were the size of blades of grass looking up onto a giant pink flower with it's petals outstretched that somehow formed a beautiful throne. Upon it sat the prettiest Lady Anne-Marie had ever seen. Her dress was made out of the finest leaves and a crown of dewdrops adorned her head. She had beautiful, magnificent, translucent wings that flitted every now and then.

"Bow before the Queen of Fairyland! Queen Middlemist!" the Doctor bent at his middle one arm behind his back the other in front. Anne-Marie curtsied as best as she could her eyes to the ground. She wasn't sure if you could look upon the Queen.

"Rise. There is no need for that. I have been expecting you. Doctor." the Doctor stood up and narrowed his eyes at the Queen.

"You've been expecting us?" The Queen smiled a heartbreaking smile. Her teeth were so white and bright they looked like diamonds.

"Why of course i have!" the Queen exclaimed happily. "Your arrival has been anticipated and expected for much some time now." the Queen rose from her rose petal throne and smoothed out the leaves of her dress.

"Why?" the Doctor asked suspiciously as he stepped just a tiny bit closer to Anne-Marie. Being expected was never good. Being anticipated was worse. The Queen laughed.

"Why? We will get to that later, but for now. A feast! For our lovely guests!" at the word feast all the faeries that surrounded, what one could only assume as the throne room, erupted with chatter. Then the whole place was a buzz with motion and colorful lights. Anne-Marie watched as the faeries captured the natural light found in all things and placed it into jars which were then shook up and glowed like Christmas. A giant table made out of woven sticks and string was placed before the throne and chairs of all shapes and sizes placed around it. A giant silken table cloth was lowered from above onto the table. Plates made from what appeared to be porcelain were placed at each spot. With matching utensils and small cups.

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