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Lieutenant Ryan Parker grinds his teeth and swallows which is hard considering how dry his throat is. He tries to open his eyes but they're heavy. "He's stirring Doctor look." someone whispers excitedly. The voice is familiar. "Hey Lieutenant Ryan Parker it's time to get up! Wakey wakey!" someone tells him. Ryan opens his eyes. Anne-Marie sits next to his bed hands folded in her lap a large smile on her face. "He's awake! You're back from the dead!!" Ryan groans and touches his side. "Oh yeah those got infected. Sorry, but you'll be better in no time." Ryan surveys the room. He's in the infirmary of a hospital. A couple of other guys lie around in bed. Some with limbs missing or heads wrapped up. The Doctor leans against a nearby wall looking at Anne-Marie rather intensely.

"What happened?" Ryan asks quietly. His voice can't get any louder.

"Oh water. Here." Anne-Marie hands him a glass. "You've been out almost a week." Anne-Marie shrugs.

"A week? What the hell happened?" Ryan demands once he's gained some of the feeling back in his throat. "You passed out. I got the bullet out. Had to drag you a couple yards to safety while getting shot at mind you! I got hit but I'm fine. The Doctor wasn't too happy." Anne-Marie shrugs.

"You got hit? You look fine." Ryan mumbles sitting up in bed.

"Oh right yeah I'm older. Last time you saw me i was 17 I'm 18 now. You guys won that battle by the way." Ryan Parker looks Anne-Marie up and down. She's seems different but that doesn't make sense.

"You're 18 now? I don't understand." Anne-Marie shrugs.

"After I got shot in the arm which was barely a graze, Doctor." Anne-Marie turns pointedly toward the man against the wall who rolls his eyes. "He dragged me kicking and screaming back to the Tardis. He came around a few times after he patched me off and dropped me back home but he wouldn't take me here. But since it's my birthday he has to do what i say and i wanted to come here."

"It's your birthday?" Anne-Marie shakes her head then thinks on it.

"Not here back in my time though yes it is." Ryan stares at her.

"Happy Birthday." he says softly. Anne-Marie smiles.

"Thank you, and I'm sorry but we should really get going. I have a whole list of things to do today for my birthday. I just wanted to make sure you were okay." Anne-Marie smiles again and Ryan smiles back. He doesn't want to like this girl but it's too late. She's wormed his way into his heart. All for nought. For soon she will be gone. Off with that crazy Doctor of her's and she'll forget all about Ryan Parker. Ryan's smile falters. "Okay, well, come on Doctor." Anne-Marie stands slowly.

"Nice seeing you again Lieutenant." the Doctor says saluting him rather funnily before waltzing out the door. Anne-Marie laughs.

"Goodbye Ryan." she says still smiling.

"Wait." Ryan says roughly trying to sit up.

"Don't strain yourself Lieutenant." Anne-Marie says softly placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Will I ever see you again?" Anne-Marie is confused by the question and slowly shakes her head.

"I'm sorry Ryan you won't. I'm not from here. I have to go back home and.." Lieutenant Ryan cuts her off.

"Screw it then." He mutters. With all the strength he can muster Lieutenant Ryan Parker lifts himself form the bed and gently kisses Anne-Marie. Anne-Marie is so shocked she doesn't respond. Ryan pulls away. "You're an amazing woman you know that? I've never known someone, let alone a woman, bold enough to stand up to not only me but multiple guys that also knew how go shoot a gun." Anne-Marie still shocked from the kiss scrambles for words.

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