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Filling the room in all different stances, poses, and states, were the Amazons. Anne-Marie gasped and stepped back dumbfounded. River, eyes wide put a hand over her mouth in shock. The Doctor looked on in wonder. "Are they.." Anne-Marie breathed out terrified to ask the question and terrified to hear the answer.

"No. Turned to stone." the Doctor murmured. Stepping farther into the wide room.

"But that's. Impossible." River replied touching one of the Amazon warriors. Her face was contorted into one of pain and shock. She was in a battle stance sword out and gripped tightly in one hand.

"But how can they be stone.." the Doctor said, speaking to himself as he brushed off some dust that had been layered upon the shoulder of another Amazon.

"Looks like something out of mythology." Anne-Marie replied stepping into the room gaining her courage. But what she didn't say was that she had been reminded of Medusa. The evil hag who loved statues and sculptor just as much as she loved turning people into statues.

"You mean like Medusa." River said going deeper into the room.

"Well yeah but sounds a bit silly when you say it out loud. It couldn't be Medusa." Anne-Marie said quickly gingerly walking around the frozen Amazons careful to leave a wide berth between her and any sharp edges.

"It's not silly at all my dear. Doctor!" River called out. The Doctor had twisted and turned his way to the very back of the room where one statue stood out among the rest.

"I've fond her!" he cried out.

"Found who?" Anne-Marie asked.

"The Queen. Queen of the Amazons." River and Anne-Marie made their way to the back of the room while the Doctor examined her. She stood out because of what she held in her hand. A gleaming gold scepter. "Why have you not turned to stone as well.." the Doctor murmured touching the staff of it only to be knocked back a few feet by some unseen force.

"Doctor!" Anne-Marie shouted in alarm.

"Woo! I am alright! Alright my dears!" the Doctor said hopping back up to his feet.

"What was that?" River asked.

"No.. Idea.." the Doctor murmured.

"Well you should've known better than to touch gleaming gold objects." Anne-Marie said. the Doctor made a face and Anne-Marie stuck out her tongue.

"Oh you two are acting like children." River said with a roll of her eyes.

"How do you know she's the Queen? I mean anyone could've been holding a golden scepter right?" River asked.

"Because I've met the Queen and this is she." the Doctor said gesturing up and down toward the statue. Anne-Marie looked closer and could see the Doctor was right. Even as a statue the Queen still looked regal, and elegant. Deadly but beautiful.

"She's very beautiful. I mean she's a statue, but.. Still beautiful" Anne-Marie said in wonder.

"What do you think happened?" River asked staring at the Doctor while he pondered this very question.

"I don't know what happened." he replied.

"And your never going to find out." a voice as rich as velvet called out. The trio whirled around to find an lady dressed in robes as green as the leaves with gold lining standing behind them.

"Who are you?" River asked. The lady with lips the color of blood turned her bright eyes toward her and a column of blue flame erupted from her hand. Faster than anyone could move the lady shot River with the blue flame just as she pulled out a gun and aimed it at her head.

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