Pt 1: O 500 Squad

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As Anne-Marie and the Doctor slowly tried to rise they found themselves immobile due to the deepening crack in the leg of their Jaeger. "We're going to die." Anne-Marie whispered.

"No we're not." the Doctor argued arming the right arm again with the blades. They pulled back their right arms ready to strike when they heard a deep thundering noise. Turning their heads Anne-Marie and the Doctor find another Jaeger barreling their way and blocking the attack of the Kajui.

"What the!" Anne-Marie shouts disarming the blades as the new Jaeger punches the Kajui.

"Who is that?" the Doctor demands as they try to stand again. The warning siren continues to sound and Anne-Marie tries to figure out a way to fix the problem so they can help.

"Didn't think I'd let you have all the fun did you?" Connor asks.

"Connor!" Anne-Marie gasps. "You can't be in a Jaeger!" she shouts at him. Connor grunts as he pushes the Kajui back farther away from them.

"Don't tell me what i can and can not do young lady." Anne-Marie smiles but it quickly fades.

"You'll die in there." Anne-Marie protests.

"I was dying already. Will die anyways if we don't close this." they watch as Connor beats the Kajui and turns to face them. "Eject your pods and get out of here. You have twenty minutes til that timer of you'rs ticks down." Anne-Marie shoots the Doctor a look as he glances at his watch.

"Twenty minutes." the Doctor whispers.

"We can't just leave you!" Anne-Marie cries out.

"Yes.. You.. Can!" Connor shouts punching another Kajui as it rises up.

"But..." Connor cuts Anne-Marie off.

"If you really did all those things you said you did and you were a Sergeant in the army you had to start from somewhere and my guess is the bottom. Where you learn to take orders. I'm General Connor Clearwater and i am ordering you to evacuate and get back to your Earth." Anne-Marie pauses as the Doctor brings up the necessary monitor. "Now!" Connor shouts. As the line goes dead Connor jumps into the barrier with the body of a Kajui below him. The Doctor punches it.

The escape pods close down around them and the helmet opens up before firing them up towards the surface. Anne-Marie can't help but feel like a failure, feel guilty. She no longer has the Doctor in her head so she's allowed to think clearly and not have him try to argue against what she's feeling. The Doctor is slightly relieved there isn't a fourteen year old mind knocking around in his brain anymore.The break through the surface and the glass pushes itself up as an inflatable raft puffs up around the escape pod. Anne-Marie sits up and glances at the Doctor in his escape pod too. The armor suddenly feels really heavy just like Anne-Marie's heart. "How much time do we have left?" Anne-Marie calls out to him as the sky begins to darken over the ocean. The Doctor checks his watch.

"Eighteen minutes." he calls out.

"Well they better pick us up fast then." Anne-Marie mutters a voice comes over their head piece.

"The barrier is closed. Connor did it. Waiting for pickup." Anne-Marie's heart flutters. He died. Connor died saving them. She puts her hands over her ears and squeezes her eyes shut bringing her knees up to her chest. It's all their fault he's dead.

"Hey! Don't think like that." the Doctor tells her.

"How do you know what I'm thinking." Anne-Marie shouts back as their escape pods drift lazily.

"Because now i know you better." Anne-Marie can't fight the smile on her lips. The team picks them up in one of their only working helicopters and now they're racing against time, literally, to get back to the Tardis and go back to their Earth. Everyone else is celebrating the win while they rush to remove armor and get to the Tardis. They make it with five minutes to spare.

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