Wedding Day

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While the Doctor struggled against his chains Anne-Marie was rushed into a different room filled with pretty dresses and fairy attendants ready to make her into someone she wasn't. She stared into the mirror while they powdered her face and curled her hair, lacing it with flowers and vines. "I look absolutely stunning." Anne-Marie beamed glancing at the faeries around her. "Don't you agree?" she questioned when they didn't respond.

"For a human you are." the oldest one spoke. Anne-Marie didn't take this as a double sided compliment and merely kept on grinning while the faeries flitted around her grumbling under their breaths about this silly little human girl who was to marry the prince. She wasn't fit for the job. He should be marrying someone like them. A faerie. Someone from the court. Their own daughters perhaps, but the faerie Prince loved all things exotic and that's exactly what he wanted in a bride. Someone exotic but still fitting to marry a faerie, let alone a prince. This human girl would have to do. She was younger than he had hoped, seeing as the boy himself though looked very young was hundreds of years old indeed. The faeries age gracefully you might say. The faeries outfitted Anne-Marie in a white tulip dress that felt like satin on her skin and complimented her rosy complexion placed their by the powder.

"Oh its gorgeous!" Anne-Marie cried spinning around for the faerie attendants. They nodded solemnly as one of them fetched her shoes. They were small and glass, just like a regular Cinderella. Anne-Marie slipped her tiny feet into them and walked around so as to get used to it. "I've never walked in heels before. First time for everything though right?" the faeries didn't respond. "Where to now?" Anne-Marie questioned.

"You are to remain here until the allotted time." then the faeries left one by one they flew out the door and locked it securely behind them but Anne-Marie hardly noticed as she smoothed down her skirt and sipped the tea placed out for her.

Meanwhile the Doctor was not having such a grand time. All this blood rushing to his head wasn't actually helping him concentrate on a way to get out but annoying him to the point of insanity. Not to mention turning him red in the face. "Blasted chains." the Doctor muttered as he used all of his upper body strength to hoist himself up at his waist so his back was parallel to the floor. The Doctor sighed as he stared at his legs. What was he to do? Here he was chained to this wall with no means of getting anything off the table that might be helpful in his escape. He was powerless. Completely helpless. Anne-Marie was to be married off to that dreadful Prince and she hardly knew it. She was captivated by him. Put under a spell. She wasn't thinking correctly. The Doctor had to make her see sense.

He lowered himself back against the wall and felt something bang into his chest in the very pocket where his sonic screwdriver usually... The Doctor shot up and tried with all his might to reach into the inner pocket of his jacket. He groaned and grunted as he strained against the chains. The effort made him tired and short of breath. "I could break my own wrist." the Doctor contemplated. Was it worth it? Yes. Better question. Would it hurt. Yes. The Doctor lowered himself back down took a couple of deep breaths and tried again. He was oh so close. He could just touch his pocket where the screwdriver lay but he didn't quite have it in his reach. He pulled and pulled against the chains until finally.

"Ah ha! Hahaha!" the Doctor laughed pulling free the sonic screwdriver and holding it in his right hand. He dropped back down with a sigh and a quick rest before clicking the button and pointing the screwdriver at the chains that held his feet. In doing so the Doctor almost did a back flip but managed to put both feet on the ground without having to do that. Then pointing it at his left hand he freed it grabbed it and released his right. The Doctor sighed happily and smiled as he walked toward the mirror to straighten up his jacket and fix his hair. He beamed at his reflection and straightened his bow tie before he heard the wedding bells chime.

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