Seven Days

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The Doctor stayed with Anne-Marie on Earth for a whole week. The Doctor had never stayed on Earth so long. He always had to go somewhere. He always had to do something, but not now. Not with Anne-Marie's parents dead. Murdered actually. By the year 3000 crime like that was minimal, almost nonexistent but it did happen everyone and then. Anne-Marie and the Doctor just couldn't figure out why. The police were called and the Tardis hidden. Anne-Marie stared blankly at the blood covered floor as the paramedics rushed around her removing the bodies. One man was checking Anne-Marie for any cuts, or bruises even though the Doctor kept insisting that they had come home and found them like this. She was covered in blood so they just wanted to make sure. Then there were the onslaught of questions. Anne-Marie answering simply with yes or no or not saying anything at all. The Doctor had to fill in the empty spaces Anne-Marie left open like the fact that he was her boyfriend and they had gone out only to come back to find this.

"Anne-Marie I know how deeply troubled you must be but is there anyone you can think of that would want to kill your parents?" Anne-Marie didn't left her eyes. Just stared blankly at an old family photo of them and said,

"No." When the paramedics left along with all the policemen the Doctor tried to get her to talk to him.

"Anne-Marie.." He whispered, lightly rubbing her arm. She didn't respond and didn't react when he pulled her into a hug. Her whole life Anne-Marie had wanted nothing more than a healthy relationship with her parents. All she wanted was for them to spend a little time with her. Now that she was older and starting to help pay for things around the house and finish up her college degree, Anne-Marie and her parents had more time to spend with each other. They could go out and eat or have dinner the table. They would ask about her day what she had done, or maybe ask about her life and how's she been on her own for the past fourteen years. They could ask about her hobbies. Her friends. They could watch movies and Family Night Fridays or Taco Tuesday Dinners.

Now they couldn't do any of that. Someone had taken it away from her, and right now Anne-Marie didn't want the Doctor or anything of do with him. She just wished she had her parents back. Pulling away from him and rising slowly Anne-Marie walked out of the bloodstained living room into the hallway and locked herself in her old bedroom. Now the Doctor could have easily gotten in and tried talking to her, but he didn't. When the Doctor woke the next morning to the sound of Anne-Marie coming down the hallway he wasn't at all surprised to see that she was still wearing the clothes she had picked out from the Tardis, the ones still stained with blood.

"I'm going to take a shower." She murmured. The Doctor nodded and ran a hand through his tousled hair before staring at the floor. He had to get the blood out of the carpet. He didn't want to leave it there. Anne-Marie turned around and walked away again. He Doctor heard the shower turn on five minutes later. Getting up he looked around the Josie for something to remove stains from carpets, but couldn't find anything suitable. He headed out for the Tardis and she provided him with all the necessary tools for removing blood from carpet. It was a lot of blood though and the Doctor didn't know if he was going to be able to remove it all. It might just be better to remove the carpet and put in new one. He began cleaning it anyways.

When the shower turned off the Doctor expected Anne-Marie to walk out and come see what he was doing but she went straight back to her room and locked the door again. The Doctor heard her do so. He sighed heavily and continued to scrub at the large stain. Around the time noon rolled along the Doctor had barely made a dent in the large blotch. Sighing and planning on giving up and just removing the whole thing later he set about making lunch for Anne-Marie who hadn't eaten in over 24 hours and was probably starving. It was a simple sandwich and some water and the Doctor called out to her through her door but she never replied. He left it outside her room. The Doctor went back out to the living room and got it ready to remove the carpet. He was going to do it himself. He was very handy with all sorts of things removing carpet was one of them.

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