Part 2: What's My Name?

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*New World*

Willow: Where too exactly?

Roan: This way?

Kiran: Worth a try...

*Two people are sitting on a hill in the distance*

Jodie: I'm scared...

Joshua: How come?

Jodie: Look.

*Jodie points to the Hill*

Fiore: Who is that?

•Start Of Chapter•

*Two people run down*

Dylan: Sasha! Amy!

*They hug*

Sasha: Where are we? What's going on?

Kiran: You must have a crystal heart.

Amy: You what?!

Charlie: It's a long story. Like longgggggg

*Beam falls down*

Willow: Another person? Who?

*From the shadows comes out Stefan*

Fiore: Stefan!

Stefan: Sorry, I stuck in this waiting list thing.

Charlie: Ok...

Sophie: Hey look, a telephone, I'm ringing my mum.

*Sophie calls her mum*

*Sophie's mum answers*

Zoe: Sophie! Oh my gosh! Where are you?

*Sophie hangs up*

Joshua: Any luck?

Sophie: No, went to voicemail...


Zoe: Nooo! Call back!

*Zoe calls back but doesn't come back*


*They come out of the vans while on a boat and locks them in a room*

Hannah: Let us out!

Ryan: Where are we?

Zios: On a boat.... means one thing..

Celia: What? Tell me?!

Zios: Uma is like an evil pirate, with this heart thing going on, this is Uma's Boat.

Hannah: Please what im about to say isn't true. Does she have a crew!?

Zios: If she does, we're in trouble.

*Uma walks in*

Uma: Hello.

All: Hiya.

Uma: Remember me?

Celia: Urmah? Isn't it?

Uma: Hate it when people gets my name wrong! How about a catchy song to remind you.

Hannah: A song? This isn't High School Musical.

*Harry and Gil walk in*

Uma: My crew.

*They laugh*

Uma: This is all hands on deck!

Calling out to lost boys and girls

I'm getting tired of the disrespect

We won't stop until we rule the world

It's our time we up next!


Our sails are about to be set.


They ain't seen nothing yet!

Tell 'em who's in charge so they don't forget

What's my name? What's my name?

Gil: Uma!

Uma: Say it louder!

What's my name? What's my name?

Gil: Uma!

Uma: Feel the power!

No ones gonna stop us, soon the world will be ours.

What's my name? What's my name?

What's it's? What's its?

Say it loud!

Gil: Uuuuuuuma!

Uma: I'm the queen of this town.

I call the shots you know who I am.

I don't need to wear a fake crown.

Stand up to me you don't stand a chance.

It's our time we up NEXT!

What's my name? What's my name?

Gil: Uma!

Uma: Say it louder!

What's my name? What's my name?

Gil: Uma!

Uma: Feel the power!

Harry: You know that they say BAD GIRLS have all the fun

Never learned to count cause I'm number 1!

Ready, here we come we always get out way!

It's a pirate's life, every single day!

She's the captain I'm the first mate.

Enemies seasick can't see straight

Call Em fish bait throw em on a hook

Uma's so HOT they get burned if they look!

Zios: Big Yawn!

*Uma pulls out sword*

Uma: What's my name?

All: Uma.

*Uma Laughs*

*Uma kicks the door out and closes it*

The Secrets Of Zios - Volume 3Where stories live. Discover now