Part 5: The Hot Zone

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*Other World*

Joshua: Hey! I found this in a garage.

Jodie: What is it?

*Sophie gets a pain through her head*

Sophie: I know what your thinking.

Charlie: Urgh, what?

Sophie: Your scared, cause you so scared that you won't see your mummy and daddy.

Charlie: Back off!

Joshua: How are you doing that?

Sophie: Your scared because you WAS moving away to Paris and you didn't want to tell Jodie.

Jodie: Josh!

Joshua: Too late now we're far from Paris!

Joshua: How are you doing this.

Willow: Back off Sophie, its over!


Amy: What are you doing?

Sasha: Message in a bottle for my mum.

Amy: You do know their not actually going to read it.

Sasha: I know.

Amy: Do you have a spare bottle and a pen?

*Random House*

Sophie: I know what you're thinking.

Joshua: I thought you told her to back off.

Roan: What did you find earlier?

Joshua: I don't know this thing.

Roan: That noise is making me stressful. Go take it away and get Amy and Sasha.

*Joshua and Kiran walk down to the beach*

Kiran: Maybe it's a metal detector.

*Amy and Sasha walk up to Kiran and Joshua*

Joshua: Were looking for hidden treasure.

*Amy snatches it off Joshua*

Amy: Its a Geiger Counter you moron.

Joshua: A what a counter?

Amy: A Geiger Counter, it measures radiation, in - in- fact, its measuring radiation. Why is it getting such a high reading here?

* The 4 walk up a sandy hill*

Amy: Oh please no.

Sasha: Amy? What's that building?

Amy: A Nuclear power plant, with no one working their, I think somthing has gone wrong with the reactor

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Amy: A Nuclear power plant, with no one working their, I think somthing has gone wrong with the reactor.

Kiran: How'd you know that?

Amy: Because of this, it can measure things that we can't see, taste or smell; Nuclear Radiation and that can kill.

Joshua: So you saying Uma set the gas off early?

Amy: Nope, but we can die before she does. RUN!

* They all run back to the house*

Amy: Get in the van everyone! Go! DRIVE!

Willow: Why!?

Sasha: Just go!

Willow: On it! Where are we going?

Joshua: Anywhere!

* They start driving*

Amy: Good, the metal body of the van is shielding us, the further away from the power station, the better.

Willow: Power Station?

*Phone rings*

Amy: What Uma! We're busy!

Uma: Look at everyone.

Amy: What?

Uma: Who's missing?

Amy: Where are they.

Uma: Killed them a while ago and you didn't even know....

*Call ends*

Amy: Noooo! No! No! No! Uma killed Sabrina And Stefan.

Dylan: No!!

Amy: Were going to have to carry on, or we are all dead.

*A Text From Uma*

Uma: What are you so busy about?

Amy: There is a nuclear fallout. We're going to die.

Uma: I can help.

Amy: What do you mean? Your trying to kill us.

Uma: Yeah! However I need you alive longer cause I want you to see me take over the world and you left to dust!

Amy: Just help us!

*Charity Shop*

Uma: That globe please!

*They buy it and go back on the ship*

Uma: #Wicked Ways beneath the skin all that horrid air now turn to thin

*All the deadly gas goes*

Amy: Uma did it!

Joshua: I'm not cheering for Uma, just happy that I live for a little longer.

Amy: Thank you Uma.

Uma: You won't thank me soon...

{End Of Part 5}

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