Part 12: The End Of Us (3)

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*Door Bell rings*

*Zios goes to the door*


*Hannah walks in*

Celia: You need to sign Ryan's Card.

Hannah: Do I?

*Hannah goes to the fridge*

*Front Door*

Police: Were looking for a Rani Chandler.

*They all sit down in the kitchen*

Police: Come to the station.

Hannah: They can't make her go, can they?

Rani: I never smashed no car.

Police: If anyone saw anything that will help prove either Rani was or wasn't Involved on this offence, you'll need to tell us, Ok?

Rani: I'm not going anywhere, so tough.

Police: Rani Chandler I am arresting  you on suspicion of causing criminal damage. You don't not have to say anything but it may harm your defence in you fail to mention, when questioned, something you later reply on in court. Anything you do say may be used in evidence.

*Celia walks into Hannah's room*

Hannah: Go away Celia!

Celia: I want to see the cat.

Hannah: What cat?

Celia: The silver cat.

Hannah: Get out of my room!

Celia: No.

Hannah: Celia, if you don't get out my...

Celia: You smashed the car window, I saw you, I won't say anything if you give me the necklace.

*Hannah chucks it on the floor*

Hannah: Have it! Now get out!

*Celia walks off*


*Ryan takes pictures of Celia and notices the necklace*

Ryan: Let me see that!

Celia: Hannah said she hates it and don't wants it.

*Rani walks through the back*

Zios: How come your back?

Rani: They had nothing against me.

Celia: You did see Rani actually kick the ball?

*Zios walks of quiet*


*Ryan knocks on Hannah's Door*

Ryan: Look Hannah I know your in there.

Hannah: You not gone yet?

Ryan: Hannah, I lied about the cat charm, I spent it out of my wages. Are you listening? Do you know what? You go on about mates, if you really were a girlfriend you'll be happy for me! All you care about is yourself!

*Hannah opens the door*

Hannah: Ryan, I am not the one who's just turned up "Oh, by the way, I'm leaving and didn't bother to tell you"

Ryan: I am not the one who threw that present back at your face.

Hannah: I didn't.

Ryan: Gave it to Celia then.

Hannah: I didn't give it to Celia She made me.

Ryan: What did she do? Thumbed You?

Hannah: No

Ryan: What then?

Hannah: She saw me kick the stone and bust the car.

Ryan: wait...what?!! Rani got arrested!

Hannah: Fine!

*Hannah and Ryan run to the kitchen*

Hannah: Zios take me to the police station! I smashed the window!

Ryan: Don't let her go, this is stupid.

Hannah: Haven't you got packing to do?!

*1 hour left*


Rani: I got arrested because of you.

Hannah: Where's Ryan?

Celia: He left... he said he's sorry.

*Hannah sulks and goes to her room*

*Ryan walks in her bedroom*

Ryan: I left

Hannah: Quits?

Ryan: No. I love you x Goodbye. I'll love you forever x

{End Of Part 12}

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