Part 3: It Takes Two

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*New World*

Jodie: I'm hungry where's the food?

Roan: I want some onion rings!!

Charlie: No! I want my Lego!

Sabrina: Here we go again!

Stefan: How about me and Sabrina head off and go find food.

Fiore: ' Take Sabrina Not Me!'

• Start Of Chapter •

*Sabrina and Stefan walks of into the distance*

Fiore: I'm going exploring, anyone wanna come?

*No one replies*

Fiore: Suit yourself. At least im trying to keep you lot alive!

Dylan: Who wants to come exploring?

*Fiore walks off*


Joshua: Quit it!

*Sabrina and Stefan stop and van pulls up*

Sabrina: Let's see what's inside.

*Sabrina and Stefan get inside*

*All doors lock*

*Van drives away*



Hannah: We need to get out!

*Lexie's And Jon's House*

Jon: Are you ok Lexie? A few days ago your saying did you feel that, then the neighbours scream, is there somthing your not telling me?

Lexie: No just go away!

Jon: I know everything has been tough since your sister left you when you was younger but don't take it out on me!

*Lexie sits down at her desk*

*In coming call from Milo Anderson*


Milo: Don't bring on the tears, im here. Is today the 5th year?

Lexie: Yh. Can I ask you somthing?

Milo: Fire Away.

Lexie: Did you feel like a sense of power run through you the other day?

Milo: erm... no, why have you?

Lexie: I feel like... no i haven't don't worry.

*Lexie spins her globe around*

*Other World*

*World Shakes*

Joshua: Ahhhh. What was that?

Jodie: I don't know....

Fiore: Oh my god, my head hurts.

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