Part 11: The End Of Us (2)

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*Front Garden*

Ryan: Hannah?

*Hannah hides behind a bush trying to avoid Ryan*

*Celia opens the back gate and watches*

*Ryan walks closer and Hannah moves a bit away to avoid more*

Ryan: Hannah, where are you?!

*Hannah walks around the side*

*Hannah kicks a stone and smashes the car window*

*Hannah runs off*

*Rani hears and walks up to the car*

*Zios looks out of the window*


Zios: I saw you smash my car!

Rani: No I never!

*2 hours later*

Zios: I phoned them to fix it but they need a crime number.

Celia: What as in report it?

Zios: yep, or they won't pay out.


*Hannah sits on the bench playing with her necklace*

Ryan: There you are. I've been looking all over for you. Hannah, please don't be angry.

Hannah: Im not angry. I just don't see why you want to go.

Ryan: To be with my dad, have a life with my baby sister, I don't know. It's important.

Hannah: Aren't your other sisters important? Me? The others in space or something? Doesn't here add up more than your dad who has let you down more than enough times?

Ryan: It's a new start for me too. There's a college not far, I can sign up for a catering course. Maybe one day I'll be a professional cook.

Hannah: What, and there's no colleges here?

Ryan: Hannah, Were completely different people we want completely different things. This café, it feels like... I don't even know what it feels like. When I imagine it all of us working together, cooking making the place dead welcoming... it's exciting. Hannah you won't be sticking long around here either. Once you've got enough money you'll be a Hollywood actor!

Hannah: Sorry, I love you x

*They hold hands and walk off*

Hannah: Told the others?

Ryan: Zios is telling them.

Hannah: How long has he known for?

Ryan: only a couple of days, I rang him to say I wouldn't be down here anymore.

*They don't hold hands*

Hannah: Wait, Zios has known Days and you've decided to tell me the day your leaving. If it would of been me, you know you'll be the first person I would of told to!

Ryan: Hannah, look I've wanted to tell you face to face but it's just been hard!

Hannah: How can you say that your going to come and visit when you won't bother the cross town and tell me your going?

Ryan: Hannah, I will visit.

Hannah: No you won't!

Ryan: I have to! Riley and Debroah.

Hannah: Oh yeah, your perfect little family. Well if there's any time left, you can come over and give me five minutes.

Ryan: I didn't mean that.

Hannah: Or you can stand at the top of the road and wave!

Ryan: Hannah please.

Hannah: Leave me alone!

{ To Be Continued }

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