Part 4: Global Warning

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*Uma's Ship*

Uma: Harry! Gil! AK! With me!

Harry: Yes?

Uma: Send me a spare float boat!

*Harry and Gil and Uma float away to Rani's House*

*Rani's House*

Rani: Hello.

Hannah: Thanks for what you did.

Rani: No biggy.

Ryan: How do you know Uma?

Rani: Uma chandlery, Rani chandlery.

Celia: Sisters?!

Rani: You bet!

Celia: How did all of this happen?

*Lexie's House*

Milo: Thanks for inviting me round, what's up?

Lexie: Look at that globe.

*Milo turns around*

Lexie: It's not a normal globe.

Milo: So?

Lexie: It's somthing up with it.

*Globe spins around crazy*

*Wind blows and swarms about the room*

Milo: What's happening?!

*Other World*

Sasha: Where is Stefan?

Amy: Where is Sabrina?

Willow: I don't know?

*Broadcast opens*

Uma: Were currently on a float boat to kill your friends.

Willow: What friends?

Uma: Hannah! Ryan! Celia!

Joshua: No! Leave them alone.

Charlie: Yeah what Joshua said!

Uma: Oh and a new person, my sister... Rani!

Fiore: Rani seems sweet.

Uma: Sweetly Dead!

*Broadcast ends*

Kiran: Were so doomed.

*Beam comes down*

Joshua: What is that?

Amy: Hello?

Milo: Where am I?

Sasha: I don't exactly know either, but who are you?

Milo: I'm Milo, Milo Anderson.

Sasha: Was you blue beaned?

Milo: a what a what a what?

Charlie: Even though you don't have a crystal heart your still going to die.

Fiore: Charlie!

Milo: Where am I?!

*Milo looks up*

Milo: No. No. No. No. No. No!

Roan: What's up?

Milo: Were in Lexie's globe.

Jodie: What? Who's Lexie?

Milo: The Sky is purple!

Joshua: Yeah, anyone would know this isn't normal.

Milo: Lexie's Globe is purple and like loads of wind started blowing around her room and I've ended up here!


*Rani's House*

Zios: Why has this all happened?

Rani: I hate Uma!

*Door blows down*

Uma: And I hate you!

Rani: Stay away!

Celia: Just leave us alone!

AK: No!

*Lexie's House*

Lexie: I'm sorry Milo. I've told you! You need to stop taking people!

*Globe Sparks*

Lexie: You've took, Hayden! Now you've took Milo!

*Jon walks in*

Lexie: Hey Dad!

Jon: Where's Milo?

*Lexie looks at the globe*

*Jon goes downstairs*

*Jon and Milo's Mum chatters*

Jon: Milo left a while ago.

Chantelle: Oh I'll check at home.

Jon: Bye.

Chantelle: Bye Jon.

Jon: Lexie! Get the globe! It's going to the charity shop!

*Lexie's Room*

Lexie: OK! I'm sorry Hayden, I'm sorry Milo.

*Charity Shop*

Shopkeeper: Up for Sale?

Jon: For sale.

*They walk out*

*Rani's House*

Rani: Uma, Mother won't want this.

Uma: But I can Take over the world!

Rani: What? I thought you was going to kill the other people in the other world and that's it.

AK: No one is going to stop us until the world is over.

Harry: Rani, Celia, Hannah, Zios, Ryan. We will be back.

*Gil, Uma, AK and Harry leave*

*They walk pass the charity shop*

Uma: Ah!

Gil: What is it?

Uma: The Globe! That globe! That's the crystal heart world, if I have it I can control it, I had that but fell out my suitcase and must of ended up here!

*They enter the charity shop*

*Rani's House*

Rani: Right, I'm leaving. I'm packing.

Hannah: Where are you going to go?

Zios: Rani's Right. We all need to pack and go it's not safe.

*They all walk off in the distance with their bags*

{End Of Part 4}

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