Part 13: I Won't Forget You

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*Uma's Ship*

Uma: Listen up everyone! Today is the day you crown your queen, Me!

*Gil bows down*

*Harry blows a kiss*

*Uma sits in a Thorne and winks*

*Jodie shouts from behind*


*Uma plays around with her sword*

Uma: Good? What's Good? Good is the new bad!

Jodie: Bring my friends back! I want my friends.

Uma: And yeah, I wanted a sea pony! Life ain't fair!

Jodie: What are you achieving?

Uma: My title.

Jodie: What title?

Uma: Queen 👸

Jodie: Uma, look at me.

*Uma looks up*

Jodie: Send them back.

Uma: Never!

Jodie: Send me back.

Uma: Is this really what your going for?

Jodie: Send me back!

*Uma works around the globe*

*Jodie gets teleported back*

All: Jodie! Where did you go?

Jodie: Uma took me back, to work for her, she's a snake, she would bite as well.

Joshua: You've been gone for a week or so.

Sasha: Today is the day.

Kiran: What is?

Charlie: Until were gone.

Amy: Goodbye

Roan: We still have time.

Sophie: To do what.


*Fiyin's House*

*Ella knocks*

Ella: Help me.

Fiyin: What's wrong?

Ella: It's Fiore, Joshua, and all the others, Fiore sent me a code breaker, on a stone.

Fiyin: What you talking about?

*Ella shows symbols on a stone*

*Other planet*

*Joshua pulls Fiore aside*

Joshua: Earlier, I saw you down the beach, everything ok?

Fiore: You know that feeling when your loosing everything and their is someone to help, no matter how hard it is, you hope their for you, right?

Joshua: Yeah, course.

Fiore: Sent a message to ella.

Joshua: How?

Fiore: Through the post, a letter wouldn't catch her attention, so I drew a code breaker on a stone.

Joshua: No one is here to collect mail and deliver to another planet.

*Joshua and Fiore walk to the post*

Joshua: Open it.

*Fiore opens the mail box*

Fiore: It's gone.

*Joshua and fiore stare at each other*


*Fiyin and Ella sit down*

Fiyin: S-O-S

Ella: W-E-A-R-E-O-N-A-D-I-F-F-E-R-E-N-T-P-L-A-N-E-T

Fiyin: From Fiore, Joshua, Sasha and others...l

Ella: If you see a ship, convince Uma to send us back.

Fiyin: What if this is a prank?

Ella: What if it isn't?

*Ella and Fiyin grab their coats and keys and rushes off to the Thames*

Ella: Look!

*Ella points to the ship*

*Uma's Ship*

Uma: Who's ready?!

*Ella and Fiyin climbs on the ship*

Fiyin: Stop!

*Uma turns back sharply*

Uma: Why?

Fiyin: Is bad the real way you want to go? You could be anything you wanted.

Uma: I wanted to be a nurse.

Fiyin: Their are loads of opportunities out there, evil is not the way. Your sidekick don't have to be evil as well, be who you want to be, but not evil.

Gil: 1 Minute

Fiyin: You can stop this, let us live our lives...

Gil: 50 Seconds

Uma: I'm sorry but no

Fiyin: Umril

Uma: How do you know my birth mum...

*Umril walks on*

Fiyin: You wanted to be evil because you was ashamed you was put in care.

Umril: You're a good girl Uma.

*Uma places her hat down*

*Gil and Harry drops their swords*

*Ella smiles*

*Uma returns them all*

*Gas leaks on the other planet*

Jodie: Yes!

*Fiore hugs everyone*

Fiore: I can see Noah!

Jodie: Joshua we can see Esmae! Joshua? Josh!?

Uma: Im sorry... Joshua didn't make it through the teleport...

Jodie: He's dead..?!

{End Of Book}

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2017 ⏰

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