Part 9: A Pirate's Life

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*Uma's Ship*

Uma: Scrub the decks!

Gil: Yeah! Scrub them so I can see my face.

Uma: More like mine!

Jodie: Im scrubbing!

Harry: Relax on her, please.

Uma: She needs to prove for her to be a pirate.

Jodie: I don't want to be bad or a pirate!

*Uma kicks Jodie*

Jodie: Back off!

Uma: Or what!?

*Jodie pulls out sword from pocket*

Uma: I see.

*Uma pulls out sword*

Uma: Sword Fight!

*Swords clash together*

*Uma cuts Jodie's arm*

Uma: I win! Now do what I say!

*Medic Room*

*Harry wraps a bandage around Jodie's arm*

Harry: Im sorry.

Jodie: If you were sorry you would stick up for me and do what I want.

Harry: What do you want?

Jodie: To go back home.

Harry: Home? You are home.

Jodie: The other planet.

Harry: But you could die.

Jodie: Anything better than being here with Uma.

Harry: I can put you on a rescue boat and you can float to shore.

Jodie: And see who?

Harry: Our mum.

Jodie: Why didn't my mum tell me about us?

Harry: Because I'm not really your brother

*Harry locks Jodie in the medic room*

Jodie: Let me out!

Harry: Never.

Uma: Nice work!

Gil: Yeah, nice work!

Uma: Shut up you!

Gil: Sorry Queen.

Uma: You got that right.

*AK enters the medic room*

AK: I'm going to get you out.

Jodie: I've heard that before.

AK: You haven't seen me recently is because Uma locked me up secretly as well, so I'm helping you.

Jodie: How am I suppose to believe the words that come out of your mouth.

AK: Fine, adios.

Jodie: Wait.

*AK and Jodie sneak out of the medic room*

*Distance Chatter Of Uma And Her Crew*

Jodie: Where are we going?

AK: My home.

*They both jump on a rescue boat*

AK: Start the engine.

*Jodie starts the boat up*

*Jodie and AK sails away to shore*

*They land on shore 20 minutes later*

*They walk down Clamperton Avenue*

Jodie: Clamperton Avenue.... I've heard of this, wait this is where the ghost town used to be.

AK: You got that right.

Jodie: Why live here?

AK: Move closer to Uma's Ship.

Jodie: I believed Harry.

AK: Believed Harry?

Jodie: He said we were siblings.

AK: That's why your back....

Jodie: Yup, rather die with the other like Milo, Firoe, Sophie, Joshua, Hayden and etc.

AK: Want to sleep over night?

Jodie: Might as well.

AK: I know where you can go.

Jodie: Where?

AK: With Zios, Ryan, Hannah, Celia and Rani.

Jodie: Where do they live?!

AK: Don't know...

*Uma's Ship*

Uma: Gil! Check on Jodie!

*Gil walks down*

Gil: She's gone.

Uma: What?!

Gil: And AK.

Uma: Were in danger. Our revolution will fail.

{End Of Part 9}

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