Part 6: Eggy Situation

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Milo: I'm Milo. Milo Anderson.

Jodie: Nice to meet you Milo, I'm Jodie, Jodie Maltby.

Jodie: Tell me what happened, just
before you ended up here.

Milo: I have a friend called Lexie, we're best mates, she spoke about drawing a lot, it was our favourite thing to do. I went to her house and she has this globe, just like this place because it has a purple sky. I think I got sucked into this globe.

Jodie: Wait, so we're not on another planet? How are we breathing?

Milo: I don't know, but i know who can help us.

Jodie: Who?

Milo: Lexie.

Jodie: Uma blocked contact to everyone except, AK, Gil, Harry and Uma herself.

Milo: Who are these people?

Jodie: It's a long story, thank you for telling me all of this, how about you go inside and see Joshua, he will make you some dinner.

Amy: So got answers?

Jodie: Were in a globe. In someone's bedroom.

Amy: That just sounds silly.

*Joshua calls Jodie from the distance*

Jodie: Yeah!

Joshua: Could you do me a favour, darling?!

Jodie: What is it!?

Joshua: Go to the supermarket and get some eggs?

Jodie: On it.

Sasha: I'll come with you.

Charlie: And me.

Jodie: No Charlie.

Fiore: Can I?

Jodie: Sure.

Jodie: C'mon Girls.

*Jodie, Fiore and Sasha enters the supermarket*

Sasha: Eggs, eggs, eggs, eggs....

*Lights flicker*

Jodie: Power is going out.

Fiore: No!

Sasha: What?

Fiore: Automatic doors run on power

*The 3 run back*

*Sasha bangs the door*

Fiore: Urgh!

Jodie: Help!

Fiore: Who knew, eggs can be a trouble maker.

Sasha: I've got it! Let's go on the wild side! Get a trolley, grab everything you can, first to the till wins!

*Sasha and Fiore grab a trolley and dash*

*Jodie calmly grabs a trolley and put sunflower oil in the trolley*

*Jodie sits on a box*

*Jodie pours sunflower oil on the floor*

*From the distance sasha and Fiore charge and slip and crash over the oil*

Jodie: beat you.

*Jodie walks off*

Fiore: Hey Look! Cashier Till!

*Sasha busts it open*

*Sasha and Fiore shoot back*

Sasha: Woah! I could of got myself blown up!

*Jodie walks up*

Jodie: What is it?

Fiore: Grenades!

*Jodie slowly picks it up*

Fiore: What are you doing?

Jodie: I've never seen one before.

Sasha: Put it down!

*Jodie takes the pic out*

Sasha: Jodie!!!

Fiore: Get Down!

*Fiore snatches it and throughs it at the door*

*Automatic Doors explode*

Sasha: We could of died... at least we're free.

Jodie: Guys....

*All 3 look outside*

Sasha: No way.

Fiore: There was eggs outside the whole time! Bruh!

*They walk back*

Joshua: Where have you been?

Jodie: The Shops.

Joshua: What one? The one up Newcastle? You've been gone ages.

*Jodie hands over the eggs*

Joshua: It's an empty box...

*They all sigh*

{End Of Part 6}

The Secrets Of Zios - Volume 3Where stories live. Discover now