Part 8: Bad Blood

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*Uma's Ship*

Harry: So this globe, what's so special about it?

Uma: You can send people back and forth to earth and that so called planet.

Harry: Neat!

Uma: What's up?

Harry: Nothing, what makes you say that?

Uma: You look scared, don't worry, we will win this battle and become a million air!

Harry: Only you can remove the crystal hearts, right?

Uma: With this globe I can do anything.

Harry: I want to make a request.


Jodie: Joshua!

Joshua: Yup.

Jodie: Happy 1 Year!

Joshua: Thanks, you too.

*Jodie walks into the bedroom*

*Joshua makes cheese on toast*

*Knocking on the door*

*Joshua answers it*

Fiore: Hi! We're on a mission!

Joshua: What kind of mission!

*Fiore pulls Joshua outside and runs off*

*Jodie leaves the bedroom*

Jodie: Josh... Josh? Josh!? I guess cheese on toast is for me.

*Fiore and Joshua gets into a car*

Joshua: What's up?

Fiore: Shhh!

Joshua: Where are you taking me?

Fiore: I think Hayden is cheating on me.

Joshua: Right... why would you think that?

*Fiore shows @haydenileo instagrams recent*

Fiore: He's with a girl.

Joshua: So?

Fiore: Look she's kissing him on their cheek.

*Joshua taps the picture*

Joshua: Look, their sisters her username is @tiajleo

Fiore: How about this picture?!

Joshua: That's a dog.

Fiore: I know I'm going to kill that dog!

Joshua: Calm down.

*Fiore pulls up*

Fiore: He uses this house for the time being while we're on this planet.

*Joshua just sits in the car*

Fiore: Go on!

Joshua: Me? What?

Fiore: Go see if he's cheating on me.

*Joshua leaves the car and shuts the door*

Joshua: We won't be.

*Joshua enters the house then enters the bedroom*

*Joshua sees Hayden and Sophie making out*

Joshua: Sophie!

Sophie: Its not what it looks like.

Joshua: Get out the back Sophie! Now!

*Sophie gets dressed and runs off*

Hayden: What?

Joshua: Fiore! She's outside.

*Joshua leaves and enters the car*

Fiore: Thanks for doing that for me, I don't know what over came me, I knew you were Right and he isn't cheating on me I would of killed myself if he did.

Joshua: Exactly he did not cheat on you at allllllllll

Fiore: He cheated on me, didn't he.

*Joshua falls silent*

*Fiore enters his bedroom*

Fiore: Cheating on me?! Hey?!

Hayden: What ever Joshua said, he's lying.

*Fiore picks up a bra*

Fiore: Who's bra is this then?

Hayden: I'm sorry.

*Fiore punches Hayden*

Fiore: I always knew that you were trouble.

*Uma's Ship*

Uma: Harry! What's the request?

Harry: Bring Jodie back to safety.

Uma: Why?

*Harry shows birth certificate*

Uma: Harry... Maltby?!

Harry: She's my sister.

*Uma places hands on globe and Jodie comes back to earth*

*Jodie lands on the ship*

*Uma puts her foot on Jodie's wrist to hold her on the floor*

Uma: You've got bad blood.

{End Of Chapter 8}

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