Part 10: The End Of Us (1)

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*Zios House*

*Zios Holds Up a camera*

Zios: Smile.

*Ryan frowns*

Zios: I don't think Hannah would want this in her face at the moment.

Ryan: Why?


*Hannah picks the veg out*

Hannah: Urgh! My nails, I just got them done, I'm leaving.

Celia: Full I said.

Hannah: Yeah, but Ryan won't want to stay around with my room a mess.

Celia: C'mon

*Hannah moans*


Ryan: I just hope the Camera has loads of memory, it's my dads

Zios: Don't worry about that, you've got bags and bags of memory up there.

*Zios taps his head*

Zios: You alright? You'll feel better once you've spoken to Ryan

*Zios takes a picture of them both*

*Everyone is in the garden*

Rani: C'mon let's play football*

*Ryan takes photos*

Rani: Point that camera at me and your dead.

*Rani accidentally kicks the ball into Ryan's camera and falls into the pond.


Rani: Sorry.

Ryan: It's okay, I'll pop it in rice and it should be okay.

*Living room*

Zios: Have you spoken to Hannah yet?

*Hannah walks in*

Hannah: Hey Ryan, when did you get here?

Ryan: A while ago.

Hannah: Oh, could of told me, I was in my room.

Zios: Ryan, why don't you help Hannah with the garden, alone.

Ryan: Yeah, c'mon Hannah.

*Hannah groans*

*Hannah and Ryan sit on the swings*

Hannah: Please when we get a home together you can do the gardening.

Ryan: I'll be doing the cooking.

Hannah: I don't mind doing the cooking though.

Ryan: Yeah, but I've got to get good at it.

Hannah: Why?

Ryan: Okay, urm, you know my dads girlfriend, her sister runs a restaurant up south and they asked them to run it, full time.

Hannah: Won't that mean they have to live their though?

Ryan: Theirs a flat above.

*Ryan gives Hannah a necklace of a cat*

Ryan: You don't like it do you?

Hannah: I love it, but it looks expensive.

Ryan: No, it was off the market.

Hannah: Ryan, they can't just pack you up and move you miles away, how long does it even take you to get there?

Ryan: Hours.

Hannah: What about your sisters who live down here, Riley and Debroah?

Ryan: There settled. There fine where they are.

Hannah: Your best where you are! Have you told your dad this isn't fair?

Ryan: Well...

Hannah: No you haven't! Ryan, he has messed you about too many times, you live here then their back here and back again, when will you tell him it isn't fair?!

Ryan: Hannah! I want to go! I want to go.

*Hannah runs inside sulking*

*Rani walks out into the garden winding up celia*

Ryan: Right stop! Stop teasing her!

*Ryan walks in*

{ To Be Continued }

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