Chapter 10

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I finally got it updated! Edited and all! Completely good!



Its been a week since Katie's passing

Justin and I still aren't talking. He's tried calling me but I haven't answered. I'm just not in the mood to be fighting with him. My little sister had died because I wasn't watching the road for her and my mom was high on drugs driving a car. And honestly, I'm depressed. It's not fair for the other girls to see me like that. I enrolled them in a school and we are currently living a couple blocks away from Justin and to afford all of that I have to work all the time so I only get to cry on my free time which isn't much. I cry on my way to and from work a lot I don't just cry because of Katie I cry because of me losing Justin and I cry because I'm exhausted, I cry because my moms a fuck up, I cry because I've haven't my dad since I was three and the girls dad who also helped raise me died when Katie was born, three years ago, I guess this Katie thing was a trigger for all my problems.

"Cara," Jamie said I snapped out of my trance and look at her.

"Yeah?" I said confused.

"You ready," she asked.

Not really, today was Katie's funeral and instead of black everyone wore white, to celebrate her life Katie hated the color black. everyone was going to be there even Justin. The one person that's not invited was my mom.

"Oh? Uh... Yeah let's go," I said as I looked at Bailey and Katie who already had dried tears on there cheeks.

I looked at them, "Hey, it'll be okay. I promise," I said to them.

"Is Justin going to be there?" Mandy asked.

"I would think,why?" I asked.

"I want to see him," she said then her and Bailey followed Jamie out to the car.

I got in the passenger seat. The drive was only about five minutes so we got there quickly.

I walked into the area where the funeral was being held, and my eyes went to a golden/brown eyes that i have grown to know.

Justin started walking towards me, but he sat down halfway there as the preacher started to talk.

"Would any one like to say some words before the we burry her?" he asked I was just about to stand up when Justin stood up before me.

He walked up to the casket and turned so that he was facing us.

"First off, my name is Justin?" he paused, "I know most of you have never met me before, I uh knew Katie from her older sister, Cara, they lived with me for a while," he said a tear close to escaping, "I grown to know those girls as my family so this is really hard on all of us. I miss her a lot and I love her and all of her sisters still," and with that he sat back down.

"Anyone else?" the preacher said.

I stood up, and walked over to were Katie was laying peacefully they stitched up all of her wounds so she would look decent for this. She almost looked as if she were sleeping, as if at a moments notice she would jump up and ask if she could have ice cream or go play outside, and I would do anything to make that the case but I couldn't. A tear escaped my eye as I looked at my family, friends, and Justin.

"Katie was so young," I started, "she was an amazing little girl. I couldn't have possibly asked for a better sister. She got along with anybody she was so nice and funny, and even though she hadn't had an amazing life like she deserved , she had acted like she was the most lucky girl alive, she didn't deserve to di-" I cut myself off. "Oh hell no!" I yelled looking right in front of me.

My mom.

She has some major fucking balls to be showing up here.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I screamed.

"What do you mean? It's pretty obvious," she said as if she didn't kill Katie.

"Are you high?" I screamed, "like on heroin?" I finished.

"I have a right to be her-" I cut her off.

"You have a right to be at your daughters funeral? Oh, you mean the one you killed while on drugs!" I screamed.

She needed to get out of here. Now.

"Cara that is no way to talk to your mo-" I cut her off again.

"My mother? Fuck no! You didn't raise me, I raised myself, just like I'm raising those kids! You don't even deserve to call us your kids! Don't you see how much a piece of shit you are?When my dad left you were a wreck. When their dad died you were a wreck. Hell, you still are a wreck and that happened a long time ago."

She could take her 'I'm your mother speech' and lodge it firmly up her ass.

"I loved him," she said

"You don't think I didn't he was like the father I never had, but I grew up and moved on unlike you, you piece of shit," I spat, "now leave," I growled.

"No," she said.

I started pushing her harder and harder screaming, "Leave, get your ass out of here, bitch."

Finally she fell down on the floor and I was going to punch her but I felt a familiar pair of muscly arms wrap around me and pull me back. As my uncle dragged my mom out and the preacher yelled,

"Funerals over!"

"Cara," Justin said looking at me.

"What?" I spat.

"Are you okay," he asked.

I scoffed 'am I okay, yes I fucking butterflies and rainbows' I decided not to say that but what came out surprised me just as much as it did him, "And why would you care."

"Because I care about you, Cara."

"What did Selena get to old to have sex with, so you want me back," I said harshly.

I swear I had like NO control over my mouth.

"I never had sex with Selena when we were together or broke up."


"Whatever you say Justin just leave me and my family the hell alone."

I walked away from him avoiding him calling my name.

I got in my car. Jamie was in the passenger seat.


"I just don't want to talk about it. Anything. Me, Justin, Katie, my mom. Nothing," I stated frustrated.

I started driving and I thought of all the things I could have said to my mom like ' Why do you care if she's dead? Just go shoot up on some more drugs, that'll help.' Or 'Oh please, take you and your 'I'm her mother speech and shove it up your ass.' Or I could say the best one 'No wonder Dad left. He didn't want to be stuck with you!'

Why is everything in my life going to hell in a hand basket? What did I do that I deserved this? Fucking, nothing!

I drove to the apartment that I was staying at.

I opened the door and went straight to the bed. The girls went to there rooms to. I laid down on my bed and curled into a ball. Not long after that I fell into a sweet wonderful dreamless sleep where there was no pain.

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